Colombians will travel without a visa to the United States; These are the beneficiaries

he Colombian Ambassador to the United States, Luis Gilberto MurilloA few months ago, he suggested to the US government that the tourist visa for Colombians could be revoked.

While this process is progressing, Murillo provided details on the first Persons who enter US territory without such permission under an experimental measurement plan.

can read: What do I do if I am denied a US visa?

Although the ambassador emphasized that this is a long process, he brings up the option of a A group of Colombians can benefit from the advantage of traveling to the United States without the need for a visa.

According to what the ambassador said in an interview with El Tiempo, the beneficiaries will, in principle, be Colombians who frequently travel to the United States.

They’ve been coming to the US for years, never had a problem, didn’t stay and didn’t want to. He said that this group of people should really get an exception because it has been proven that they have no further intentions of coming to this country and carrying out their tourism and business activities.”

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Likewise, Murillo gave a second benefit option to the Colombians, which, although not discussed, It consists of a virtual pre-entry from Colombia.

That alternative would be for people to go through an immigration “document review process, called pre-entry, once in Colombia. That’s what’s already happening with countries like Canada,” Murillo says.

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Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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