Coahuila, without the science and technology policy

The budget allocated by the government to the State Science and Technology Council (kosette) less than 13 million pesos per year. This year 2023, according to the spending budget, the resource amounts to 12 million and 177 thousand pesos, or 0.018% of the state budget.

The recommendations are to be at least 1 percent, which is 642 million 563 thousand pesos, 52 times more than what is given today. Something our eyes can hardly see.

In recent years, due to governments’ disdain for science and technology, it has been approved that electoral bodies divert resources from partisan fines to science and technology issues. In Coahuila, more than 130 million people have been transported to Coecyt.

Since then, he has worked on projects such as the Mobile Science Program, the Water Nomads Laboratory or Scholarships for Studies or Researchers, but also on projects that did not meet expectations, such as technology parks, the Coahuila brand logo or many others that you have a server to justify Expenses made by stacking sheets of macOS will remain on your desktop.

How can we expect that money is really being used in an appropriate way and on projects that have an impact, when science and technology don’t matter. As an example, universities of technology, chosen by political groups. There is the Technological University of Torreon (UTT), an institution that has been doing things in a respectful way. A few months ago, Carlos Centeno, attorney, former director of the law school of the Torreón unit of the Autonomous University of Coahuila and former public servant of the attorney general’s office, was appointed director of the institution.

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In other words, he knows absolutely nothing about technologies. But he was evidently placed in office for other purposes.

How would you like to live in a knowledge society when the state policy of science and technology falls on irrelevant figures?

Existing programs are low budget and have little impact. Research, science, technology and innovation activity is severely punished, so many results cannot be expected.

What we expect is that resources are used at least consistently and for productive, economic, academic and social purposes.

Professionals interviewed for the report “Coecyt Wastes and Diverts Money from Electoral Fines” agree on the need to use the money to urgently address the problems of areas in the state.

In other words, if there is a water problem, what can science and technology do to support it? If there is a fire problem in the Southeast, if there is a problem with agriculture, livestock and commerce, what can science and technology do to support it?

to the snapshot

The problem is that there is no policy and therefore no state agenda that addresses the needs of research and science.

We see it with the gubernatorial candidates. Most of the proposals are still just sponsorship programs for scholarships or support, but there is still no vision for the future that includes new technologies.

It is clear that countries that put technological and scientific activities at the center are advancing more rapidly.

Here, like everything else, money comes first in the service of bureaucracy and politics.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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