CNN Poll: The Republican Party’s preference waning as most of the party wants to distance itself from Trump

The public overwhelmingly wants to see the Republican Party pass by Trump as soon as he leaves office. Overall, only 19% said the party should continue to treat Trump as its leader, while 77% said it should move forward. Among Republicans, opinions are divided, with 48% saying the party should move forward and 47% saying the party should continue to treat Trump as the party leader. However, Republican-leaning independents are more likely to say the party should move from Trump (62% feel this way).

After months of Trump’s campaign and conservative media raising doubts about the results of the 2020 presidential election, the Republicans who self-identified in the US election are unlikely to trust Democrats, which could complicate Republican efforts to lure these voters to the polls. In future competitions. There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election. However, 75% of Republicans say they have little or no confidence that elections in America today reflect the will of the people, including the majority (57%) who say they are not. Absolutely confident that the election results represent the will of the people.

The Republican Party’s preference ranking has had 9 points since before Election Day, with only 32% seeing it positive. The shift is based mostly on a decrease in positive opinion among the Republicans themselves: 92% had a positive outlook in October, and only 76% do now.

The decline in positive sentiment toward the Republican Party comes as Trump’s views also turn negative. The president will leave office this week with the lowest approval rating in his term, while most people prefer to be removed from office before January 20, and most describe his time in office as a failure.

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Meanwhile, the Democratic Party’s views hold around, 49% have a positive view now compared to 46% in October. Self-defined Democrats are more likely to have a positive view of their party (89%) than Republicans to say they have a positive view of the party they choose.

McConnell, the current majority leader who will become the minority leader after Biden’s inauguration and the results of the Georgia Senate runoffs, is viewed more negatively than he has ever been in CNN polls by a wide margin. About two-thirds (66%) have an unfavorable view of the Kentucky Republican, beating its previous high by 17 points. These unfavorable views have grown across party lines, up 20 points among Republicans, 18 points among independents and 14 points among Democrats since the December 2019 poll.

McConnell’s downsides far outweigh the negatives of any of the other senior leaders in Congress, although none is viewed favorably. Views on incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are evenly divided, 39% in favor and 41% unfavorable. Most Democrats (75%) say they have a positive view of Schumer, about 30 points better than McConnell’s preference among Republicans.

By the House of Representatives, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is viewed favorably at 44% and negatively at 52%. Democrats view the House speaker positively (84% are in favor), while Republicans are strongly negative about Pelosi (94% have a negative view of her). House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is less well-known than other leaders in Congress (42% don’t agree with him), but those who hold a slightly negative opinion (25% favor 33% are unfavorable). Among Republicans, 43% hold a favorable view and 21% hold an unfavorable opinion.

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The methodology and weight of this survey has been revised compared to previous CNN surveys. Mobile phone interviews made up 75% of the total, up from 65% in previous surveys. The contact extended more than six days instead of four, allowing more effort to be made to contact those who could not be reached easily. Demographic weighting was adjusted to account for more separate classes of education by race, and geographic weight was applied to ensure a representative distribution by population density. Additionally, results were weighted to determine party identity and propensity among the independents, with goals calculated using the current survey average plus three recent CNN surveys.

The new CNN survey was conducted by SSRS January 9-14 out of a random national sample of 1,003 adults accessed on landlines or cell phones by an interviewer live. The results for the complete sample have a sampling error margin of more or less 3.7 percentage points.

Sacha Woodward

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