Cities of the world seeking to attract young people for resettlement | Let’s travel | magazine

Settling in a city in a faraway country or continent can be difficult, not only because of language or weather challenges, but also because of the costs of transporting paperwork. However, many locations around the world are striving to help people live in them, and to provide financial assistance, to facilitate the transition.

Even the largest and most famous countries have cities that need new young people to increase their population and modernize them. If you are interested in knowing what it is, see its advantages and requirements below:

Molise, Italy

This European city has some of the lowest population rates on the continent, so its authorities are very interested in attracting young people who can expand the community. For this reason, Millis offers foreigners $27,000, divided in monthly installments of $770, so that they can move to a village. Its requirement is that travelers commit to setting up a company to boost the region’s economy.

Molise, Italy. Photo: CNN

Ottenstein, Germany

Uttenstein, a municipality in Germany, does not offer a monthly fee to live in its town, but it does give land to families who wish to move and build a home in the community. The condition that must be accepted is that the construction of the house be completed within three years and that the moving family have children.

Ottenstein, Germany. Image: a glimpse

Saskatchewan, Canada

Canada makes it easy for you to study and work in Saskatchewan, with its ‘Alumni Retention Program Application’, which gives you $20,000 for students with a degree from a local university, with a commitment to live and work there for at least 7 years after the money is handed over.

Saskatchewan, Canada. Image: CA . Immigration

Pipestone, Canada

This Canadian city is offering land to foreigners for just $8, in order to build a business or house. For this, in addition, it offers financial subsidies in the amount of $25,000. One of the main requirements to work and live in Canada is to have a good level of the language of the place where you want to live, for example, if you want to go to Quebec, you will need to know French; If you want to settle in British Columbia, you will need to know English.

Pipestone, Canada. Photo: Archive

Antikythera Island, Greece

Greece has a very attractive offer for young people who want to move to the island: a house, land and 500 euros per month for three years. “We are looking for several families to revive our island,” said Antikythera Mayor Andreas Haralakis, referring to some of the jobs available there: fishermen, masons and bakers.

Antikythera Island, Greece. Image: Google Maps.

New Haven, United States

This Connecticut city gives up to $10,000 to people who want to move in and build a home, provided it’s been inhabited for at least 5 years.

New Haven, Connecticut. Photo: Wikipedia

Chili pepper

The Latin American country is not far behind, and is also seeking to attract young entrepreneurs with its Start Up Chile programme. Those selected receive up to $40,000 and a one-year business visa to promote business. (YO)

Santiago de Chile, Chile. Image: the Internet
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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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