Changes in Netflix: Is it possible to keep using the same password in another home? | Chronicle

After knowing that Netflix will implement the ‘home’ system To reduce the number of shared accounts, many are beginning to wonder what these changes will look like. According to the information shared, the “One Home” system will determine that all Netflix accounts, regardless of the plan, Include access to the platform from just one home on any device.

When you want to use the account from a TV outside the home, the system will offer the possibility to include it as an “extra home” at an additional cost.. In addition, within the account settings, the owner can check where the service is used and remove homes when they want.

To choose the additional homes payment option, you must pay an additional $219 per month for each additional home. Additionally, each Netflix plan will allow you to add a certain number of homes:

Added to this is that Mobile devices, tablets and laptops are not part of the house, so you don’t have to pay extra to use them. In other words, a family member or friend’s account can still be used to watch Netflix, as long as it’s done on the right device or if you’re paying for the extra home.

But this is not the only novelty that the company is bringing with this new initiative. The endless complaints, which added to the multiple cancellations of subscriptions, led him to start thinking about a project to avoid the dissatisfaction of all his customers.

That’s why the entertainment company announced that it hopes to launch its next “low cost” plan early next year.. This new feature will start to be available in some countries, initially.

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Enacom plans to take Netflix case to court

This was explained by the National Communications Authority Although they are not a regulatory entity on the platform, they plan to involve consumer protection or initiate legal proceedings..

Vice President of Enacom Gustavo Lopez pointed out: “With this matter, we are not a regulatory entity because the current laws do not regulate the audiovisual platforms, we regulate the internet but not what goes inside. But that does not mean that we are not progressing in any way”.

We believe it is a unilateral contract change that harms the user. One action is to interfere with consumer protection, and the other is to go to court.”continued and added: When you have a contract with these characteristics, you cannot change it unilaterally. And with the crisis that our country is going through, especially when they do not pay income tax and use third-party networks“.

In response to a question about the actions to be taken, “The measures will be political, not organizational,” Lopez stressed. Some government agencies will say it can’t be done and they have no reason to refuse it, because they can’t change the contract.”

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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