Canary Islands: Lava from Cumbre Vieja volcano has reached the sea | Fear of the possibility of toxic clouds appearing

lava from Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Spanish island of La Palmathat broke out over a week ago, I got to the sea on Tuesday night, as announced by the Volcanic Institute of the Canary Islands (Involcan).

Involcan noted on Twitter: “The lava flow has reached the sea in Playa Nueva.” AndThis event worries specialists because it can generate explosions, waves of boiling water, or even toxic clouds. According to Canary Islands Regional TV, only black smoke has been produced in the coastal area.

The darkness of the night does not allow to see the plumes of water vapor formed by the thermal shock of lava with the sea, plumes that carry gases that can be toxic to the eyes, lungs, and skin.

Lava fell into the sea from a height of about a hundred meters down a cliff located near the beach of El Guirre, in Tazacorte.

Possible consequences

The first reaction is thermal. Tons of rocks with a temperature of over 1,000 degrees will be submerged in water with an average temperature of 23 degrees.

The second, instantaneous, chemical reaction will be between the components of the lava at extreme temperatures with water and sea salts, consisting of sodium chloride.

Similarly, in this context, the Mortality of marine plants and animals. Biologist Matthias Fontes explained in an interview on Canary TV.

material losses

Due to the eruption of the Cumbre Vega volcano More than 6000 people had to leave their homes, But there were no injuries or deaths.

So far, the lava has destroyed 656 buildings – not all homes – and covered 268 hectares on the island of 85,000 people who live off banana farming and tourism.

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Freddie Dawson

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