Canada: The Profitable Euthanasia Business That Makes You Think – Zenit

(Zenit News – International Family News /Quebec, 10/26/2023).- A reputable anti-euthanasia group has expressed deep concern about the commercialization of euthanasia in Canada, especially after it became known that a funeral home in Quebec charges $700 for a private space to perform euthanasia. Funeral Medical Assistance in Dying (MMA).

Mathieu Becker, owner of Complexe Funeraire Haut-Richelieu, describes the service as respecting the personal nature of euthanasia, and providing a non-hospital setting for the procedure.

However, critics say the service highlights the disturbing reality that euthanasia has become a lucrative business in the country.

Euthanasia rates in Quebec have risen dramatically Since its legalization in 2016, the province now has the highest euthanasia rate in Canada.

Only in the period 2021-2022, 3,663 cases of euthanasia were recorded, which represents a record number. Sharp increase That compares to 63 cases in 2016. The Quebec government would also have spent nearly $6 million on euthanasia procedures.

Alex Schadenberg, executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, has criticized the monetization of euthanasia, arguing that it not only saves healthcare facilities Way to save moneybut also It provides funeral homes with an additional source of income.

Schadenberg reported horrific accounts of people who decided to end their lives through euthanasia at a funeral home in Quebec.

However, this business model has sparked controversy even within the funeral home family itself. The owner’s mother reportedly expressed strong disapproval of her son providing MAiD services within the family business.

Sonia Belanger, Quebec’s Minister of Seniors, also expressed this Worried about generating income MAiD, which underscores the need to prioritize patients’ desires over profit motives.

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Expanding euthanasia for mentally ill patients, was postponed until 2024 due to numerous reactions. The delay came amid several public scandals, including reports of veterans being subjected to the deadly procedure.

Critics are now hoping the government’s change will prevent the expansion of euthanasia to include the mentally ill from becoming law in 2024.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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