Canacol Energy announces a historic gas discovery in Colombia | companies | Business

Canadian multinational Canakol Energy About a new “important” discovery of Natural gas in the well inside the CDO sandstone reservoir at Aguas Vivas 1.

Aguas Vivas 1 . exploration wellIt was drilled on May 23, 2021 and reached a total depth of 7,852 ft, measured as of May 29, 2021. This well experienced 412 ft of true vertical depth (TVD ft) of the net thickness of the gas container, with an average porosity of 22% within the stone reservoir Sandy Ciénega de Oro, main target الهدف“.

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The gas column inside the CDO sandstone reservoir at Aguas Vivas 1,”It is the thickest found by Canacol in its history and represents a significant and important gas discovery.“.

Canacol Energy reported that Lining the Aguas Vivas 1 well in preparation for production tests لاختبار The well will be connected to the existing production infrastructure in the next two weeks.

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The Canadian multinational plans to drill at least two appraisal wells immediately, with In order to test the extent of the new discovery. It will provide an update on drilling and test results as they become available.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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