Cam Newton of the New England Patriots says it is “too early to tell if he will accept the QB backup job.”

Foxboro, Massachusetts – New England Patriots Quarterback Cam Newton He admitted he didn’t have the 2020 season he was hoping for, but has stopped saying he would accept a backup role as he’s considering free agent options this off-season.

On Monday, Newton said in his weekly interview on WEEI Sports Radio in Boston, “Honestly, it’s too early to tell. That’s as straightforward as possible.” “Do I think I have a talent at first? Sure. Do I think a lot of the things I’ve done have been undervalued? Not the team perspective, maybe the media perspective – certainly.”

Newton, 31, added that he understood that midfielders were under intense scrutiny and that this was not the job of a “faint of heart” before saying, “I just need some time for myself to re-evaluate this whole situation.”

Newton saved one of his best performances in the final match of the Patriots season 7-9. In Sunday’s 28-14 win over the New York Jets, it was 21 of 30 for 242 yards, with three touchdowns and no interceptions. He lunted 79 yards on 11 cart – which included a mid-back concession – 49 yards – and added 19 yards downs.

“I know out of 32 young people, I’m not 32nd. So you have to understand as well, I’m a competitor first. I know my skill set, I know what my talent is. I understand that if Newton said in a radio interview if the opportunity came up, there’s no one better than me.” This is how I will always feel. I must also feel realistic about the opportunity being presented as well. “

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“If you ask me, Do I want to be a reserve? Hell no! When I look at the other teams, and I look at other players playing, there have been men getting away with murders for years by playing subpar. Do I have the right to say that with the year I’ve spent. This year? No, but I’ll be honest and say that because that’s what I’m doing. “

Newton finished the year 242 out of 368 lanes (65.8%) at 2,657 yards, with eight landings and 10 interceptions. It added 592 flowing yards on 137 cart (average 4.3), with 12 drops.

As for his potential return to New England in 2021, Newton said he had yet to speak to coach Bill Belishek, although he appeared to be resigning at his video conference last week that he would be relocating, indicating plans to stay in touch with his teammates. future. On Monday morning he said it would be “wonderful” if Bilesic decided he wanted his return.

Newton previously shared that one of his biggest regrets was joining the Patriots after another season, which he’ll have on his mind as he approaches the free agency.

“That would definitely be taken into account,” he said at WEEI. “I won’t wait for the last part of another season when I have a chance to do something or sign someone up. I think I’m putting myself at a disadvantage. [with] that. You just live and learn. “

Newton said one of his primary goals was to keep him healthy during the season, which he has achieved.

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He said, “Through it all, my shoulder was raised, my feet raised, and my mind raised.” “I had cuts and bruises, but who doesn’t have any cuts and bruises in the NFL? Nothing remains enough to stop me. I would consider it a blessing and do it in the off-season.”

Newton added that this is the first out season in five or six years that is in good health.

He said, “Obviously I have to work on a mechanic. I have to throw the football sooner rather than the later part of last year.” “These things, I’ll focus on when we get ready for out of season.”

Amber Cross

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