Business Alliance to invest over S$300 million in sustainable businesses in the Amazon | News

In order to counter climate change and promote economic activities that are committed to preserving our country’s biodiversity, the Amazon Business Alliance will invest more than 300 million soles in sustainable businesses, which will directly benefit the Amazon people who preserve forests.

Supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Government of Canada and Conservation International, and Amazon Business Alliance It is a new platform that seeks to unite the efforts of the public and private sectors to promote sustainable investments in the Peruvian Amazon, with the aim of contributing to the achievement of national climate goals and Sustainable Development Goals.

To implement it, there is a file An initial fund of 100 million soles is expected to benefit from an additional 200 million soles To invest in a sustainable business Through two financing mechanisms: grants and loans at competitive interest rates.

“This platform is a commitment to the Amazon region, its sustainable development, and generate opportunities for Economic growth while respecting the environment. Luis Espinel, Vice President of Conservation International in Peru, explained that we seek to improve the green business environment, so that it can grow.

Businesses led by women

The Amazon Business Alliance proposes a Economic development based on the sustainable use of natural resourcesBased on Gender and Cultural Approach and Rightsand foster an appropriate relationship with the local population, in particular with Women and indigenous peoplesto ensure their effective participation in make a decision and in Building relevant and comprehensive public policies.

One of the pillars of the Amazon Business Alliance is Increasing women’s participation in business, and enhancing their economic independence to achieve a more equal and respectful society. In this sense, the alliance will promote women-led businesses, and increase and improve their entrepreneurial skills.

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present in the regions

The Amazon Business Alliance seeks to restore and restore more than 20,000 hectares of forest and contribute to the sustainable management of another 60,000 hectares, and promotes initiatives in regions Madre de Dios, San Martin, Huanuco and Ucayali, Whereas, inter-institutional cooperation agreements have been signed with the respective regional governments, which will allow alignment of public and private investment priorities.

In the coming months, it will expand its reach to regions Amazon, Pasco, and Loreto. With the aim of facilitating the expression and generation of synergies, and enhancing technical and innovative capabilities.

In the first group of companies that are part of this alliance, Starbucks, BHP Foundation, Virdis Terra, Aje, Shanantina, Rainforest Expeditions and others stand out.

(end) NDP / LZD

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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