Buenrostro: Canada plans to deactivate TMEC due to power issues

Raquel Buenrostro, the Minister of the Economy, confirmed that Canada is working to deactivate the commission that would allow TMEC to question Mexico’s energy policy.

The federal official, as he left a meeting at the National Palace, said there had been good developments in this matter.

“They are going so well, that the Canadian Secretary, Mary Ng, last week made a statement saying she was very satisfied with all the dialogues, they even saw the mining law well, and they also said they were very happy with the dialogue with the opening of the Energy Consultation.”

He emphasized that the Canadian government did not see any possibility of going to the committee.

But he acknowledged that they are still in talks with US representatives to achieve a similar outcome.

“… We continue to talk with the United States to see if we achieve the same results (…) The United States will enter into a political process, and they also have elections, which can be delayed a little bit.”

In response to a question by national reporters, Raquel Buenrostro states that she also sees positive progress in the technical consultations that the United States has invigorated in response to the Mexican policy to prevent the importation of genetically modified corn for human consumption.

See also  La Jornada - Despite challenges, the United States, Canada and Mexico are promoting regional integration

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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