Bolivia: Louis Ars faced the opposition’s first blow | The protest was most powerful in Santa Cruz County, the stronghold of the right

Face President Louis Arce The first national strike summoned Against a bill against the laundering of illegal profits and against the “political persecution” denounced by the oppositionIt is a measure that the government considers an attempt to destabilize. According to reports from various local media, The strike was most powerful in Santa Cruz, the area ruled by Luis Fernando CamachoOne of the main architects of the November 2019 coup against Evo Morales.

President Arce accused the opposition of trying to promote a new coup by callingBut he is confident that the “vast majority” of Bolivians have already left behind those “tough times in our history”. Tuesday Political tension will rise another level with A demonstration called by the ruling party in defense of democracy in different parts of the country.

How did the strike develop?

Santa Cruz was the highest point of the strike: there was no public or private transportation and most stores were closed. Clashes took place at the entrance to the Los Lotus area of ​​Santa Cruz between those who were masking themselves and a group of people who had rallied against the measure.

In part of Double Vía La Guardia, The Minister of Public Works, Edgar Montaño, came out to overturn the ban and called on neighbors to make the same decision. “Santa Cruz needs to act, take to the streets to get the ban lifted, we can’t all hurt ourselves for some people with outstanding accounts with justice.”

In case Peace, Opposition Mayor Ivan Arias joined the protest at the last minute, but Municipal services were operating normally and urban activities were only briefly affected by the march of informal retailers against the Unlawful Profits Act. In neighboring El Alto, the mayor Eva called on Cuba to “rebuild the country rather than stop”.

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Sporadic siege points were recorded in the cities of Potosi, Tarija and Sucre. Meanwhile in the city Cochabamba, who also made some cuts, the sector where the gazes fell was Circunvalación Street. in that place, The police intervened at a siege point using tear gas and arrested some people in batchesAccording to the newspaper Reason.

President Louis Ars It ensured that Bolivia would never experience a political crisis like that of 2019.”I love brothers and sisters like you, which make up the vast majority of the country, We will not go back to the troubled times of our history, as was the 2019 coup or the coup that minorities intend to reopen,” said Ars of Law in Pando. For the president, Minorities “do not imagine democracy until the majority is silent and excluded from political participation”But that won’t happen again.”

The bill was resisted by the opposition

The opposition called for the strike on Monday mainly in rejecting a bill against the legalization of illegal profits which they consider “too draconian”.. The controversy revolves around the exceptional powers granted to some state agencies to investigate the suspicious behavior of these crimes, as well as prohibitions to raise secrecy, source and professional secrecy when the Financial Investigation Unit requests any information.

in your defense The government emphasized that al-Qaeda seeks to meet international standards He gave some indications of withdrawing professional secrets if this constitutes an obstacle to the adoption of the law. Currently, her Senate debate is paralyzed by the controversies she has sparked and the process of “socialization” has begun across the country. Minister of Justice Evan Lima, indicated this week that legislation Does not violate the Bolivian constitution and Improves state control over criminal organizations and potential laundering of illegal money.

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This Tuesday it will be MAS-related sectors, including Central Obrera Boliviana (COB), Confederación Sindical Única de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia (CSUTCB), Confederación de Mujeres Indígenas Originales de Bolivia (Bartolinas), and departments of Santa Cruz. Others such as La Paz or Cochabamba “to defend true democracy” and “to consolidate the unity of the country”.

Freddie Dawson

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