Biden says Trump skipping inauguration ‘a good thing’

“It’s a good thing not to attend,” Biden told reporters on Friday in Wilmington, Delaware, at a news conference. Presented Cabinet Candidates.

“He surpassed even my worst notions of him,” Biden said. “He was an embarrassment to the country, and embarrassed us all over the world. He just doesn’t deserve this position.”

Nevertheless, Biden said he was glad Vice President Mike Pence attended his inauguration.

“It’s welcome. I think it’s important insofar as we can stick to the historical precedents of how to sustain the management changes. So we welcome the presence of Mike, the Vice President. We’ll be honored to have him there and move forward with the transition.”

House Democrats are preparing impeachment articles, which are expected to come out as soon as Monday. The president-elect has not considered whether Congress should impeach Trump and remove him from office due to his actions that led to the riots by his supporters at the Capitol this week.

He said he and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are focusing on preparing their agenda to fight the coronavirus pandemic and boost the ailing economy.

Biden said he had no doubt that he wanted Trump, whom he described as “one of the most incompetent presidents in the history of the United States of America”, to leave office as soon as possible. He said that if Trump stayed in office for several months, he would push for his removal. Now, though, Biden said, “The quickest way for this to happen is for us to take the oath on Day 20. What happens before or after that is a judgment that Congress takes.”

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“We will do our work, and Congress can decide how to proceed with their work,” Biden said.

Biden specifically singled out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Utah Senator Mitt Romney, and praised their actions on Wednesday as Congress counted the electoral votes, taking the last procedural step for the 2020 elections to confirm Biden’s victory before his inauguration.

But he said that those who tried to reverse the election results by objecting to the electoral vote count of some states “should be ashamed of themselves.”

Asked whether Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri should resign, Biden said: “I think they should be defeated hard the next time they run. I think the American public has a real and clear view of who they are.” They are part of the big lie. ”

“The aides who follow (Trump), like Cruz and others, are as responsible as him,” Biden said. “There are decent people who believe these lies because they hear them over and over again.”

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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