Between escape and flight.. the government is seeking to obtain agreements from the region to head the Islamic Development Bank | Cecilia Todesca Pocco competes to replace Claver Carone

During President Alberto Fernandez’s stay in Paris, the government announced that Cecilia Todesca Pocco would be Argentina’s candidate for the presidency of the Inter-American Development Bank. She will compete to replace the current incumbent, Mauricio Clavier Carone, the appointed president of former US President Donald Trump, who was removed from office because he had a romantic relationship with an employee who benefited financially. Now, the road between now and November 20 — when a governor’s summit in Washington will determine the new president — is meandering. The Argentine government has to convince the rest of the region to support its candidate, and between flights, the presidential delegation that arrived in Bali on Monday is working on it.

The two days of the G-20 will, among other things, be key to achieving the goal, or at least pushing a good number of squares: the idea is for Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero to speak during the summit with his Mexican counterpart Marcelo Ebrard, for that country’s president – and a personal friend For Fernandez – they drop his candidate. The final definition of the election of the new president of the Islamic Development Bank is determined by the votes and the number of countries. Argentina has 11 percent of the capital and Mexico has eight. That is, they account for 19% between the two. For this reason, in the Argentine government, they consider the battle to persuade AMLO to be central. Although they also clarified that they have been working on this issue for over a month now, and they are still without certainty.

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The winning candidate must have a majority based on the voting rights of the member states, which vary according to the number of shares in the bank. In addition, it must have the support of at least 15 of the 28 US states. According to some members of the entourage, President Fernandez will have a commitment from his Mexican counterpart that he will lower his nominee. The Islamic Development Bank was established in 1959 and was not headed by any Argentine or Argentine. But this has not happened yet and has not been confirmed and the days are going. The government should, first, see what position Ebrard holds.

Mexico’s nominee is Gerardo Esquivel, a Harvard economics doctor, central bank board member, former IMF official and a close confidant of the US Treasury. The person from Brazil, economist Ilan Goldfein, is the former head of the Brazilian Central Bank and Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for America. It represents similar interests to Mexico, tied to the Treasury and would be the second “obstacle”. His candidacy was promoted by President Jair Bolsonaro, who was recently defeated in the elections by Lula da Silva. In this case, the situation of the Brazilian is complicated. It would be rare for da Silva to campaign against his country’s candidate, but he is not expected to give him much support either. He has not yet made a statement on this matter. If Mexico manages and supports Argentina, the government is confident that it will be “in the fight” to get the votes of less influential countries, but the prospects will be exponentially better.

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For the Argentine government, what will remain for the next few days until November 20 will be the Latin American game. For them, the US would nominate itself if Mexico pulled out and then “Lula will also have to do his job,” say members of the entourage who follow the negotiations closely. This will be the second metric. Meanwhile, Todska Bocco was already in Washington, where, after accompanying Fernandez, she traveled to Paris, and at the end of the G-20 Economy Minister Sergio Massa will go to that city.

Freddie Dawson

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