BBC Survey: Should the BBC become a subscription service? | United kingdom

The BBC has been criticized by Kevin O’Sullivan for using the license fee money

Those who watch BBC TV and iPlayer live must pay an annual fee of £ 159 or risk a fine of up to £ 1,000 plus court costs. The license fee is the annual cost that viewers must pay in the UK and only funds the BBC’s TV, radio and online services.

In recent months, the BBC has faced constant criticism after revoking free TV broadcast licenses for most of those over the age of 75.

The company has also faced accusations of negatively representing the working class and being the target of ridicule.

Now that the pressure has grown on the prime minister to use his “political power” to remove licensing fees, asks: “Should the BBC become a subscription service?”

This comes after the leader of the Brexit party urged the prime minister to convert it into a subscription service and “let the people decide.”

Boris urged removal of the BBC’s license fee and its conversion into a subscription service (Image:.)

Robert Lowe, a former Brexit member of the European Parliament, wrote on Twitter: “ Johnson wields the most political power of any prime minister in decades.

Use it and remove the funding from the BBC.

“Make it a subscription service and let people decide!”

Critics have previously suggested that the subscription service might be more suited to match streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney +.

Read more: BBC bosses attack for ‘shameful neglect of the British’

BBC General Manager Tim Davey (Photo: PA)

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Last year, CEO Tim Davy also said he’s against the subscription-based service.

He said: For the avoidance of doubt, I don’t want a BBC subscription that serves so little.

“We could create a decent business out of that, and I suspect it might work fine for certain postcodes, but it would make us the most media company serving a particular group.”

In January, Lowe demanded the new BBC chief, Richard Sharp, to make the company a subscription-based service.

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European TV license fee

European TV license fee (Image: Express)

Sharp, who replaced Sir David Clemente in February, previously insisted that the annual license fee was “excellent value for money”.

Lowe criticized Sharp’s comments that the BBC should be a subscription service if it “provides such popular content”.

He tweeted: “If the new head of the BBC believes that the organization provides such popular content, why not make it a subscription service?

“If it’s fine, then getting millions of subscribers definitely shouldn’t be an issue.

BBC licensing fees increased from April 1

BBC licensing fees increased from April 1 (Image:.)

“It seems fair to me.”

During the 2019 general election, senior Conservative MPs attacked the BBC, accusing it of bias.

Johnson halted plans to decriminalize compulsory television broadcasting licenses.

In 2020, the government said it “remains concerned that the criminal penalty for evading TV licenses is unequal and increasingly unfair in the modern public broadcasting system.”

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The BBC has urged a move to the subscription service

The BBC urges the move to the subscription service (Image:.)

The government added that there could be dire consequences for the public if the current system was abandoned.

The ministers also said that the government remains determined that any change in the TV license enforcement scheme “should not be seen as an invitation to evade the requirement for a TV license, nor should it confer a privilege on the minority that breaks the rules. On the respectable majority of the rules.”

“The issue of decriminalization will remain under active study while more work is done to understand the impact of alternative enforcement plans,” he added.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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