Basketball before the Olympics: Spain scores 55-60 and regains hope at the expense of Canada | Basketball | Sports

The Spanish women's basketball team, with a 7-0 victory in the last five minutes, on Thursday achieved its first victory in the Sopron (Hungary) preliminary basketball tournament against Canada (55-60), thus restoring its hopes in the tournament. They will be vying for a place at the Paris Olympics, which will be guaranteed if they beat Hungary on Sunday. Spain took the lead in the 35th minute with a negative margin of 55-53; But the strong defense caused an offensive error for the Canadians, and achieved the first victory for the Spanish team, after the defeat it suffered on Thursday against Japan (75-86).

It was a victory flavored with hope. Spain is more focused, with more rhythm and accuracy in free throws, which was able to absorb the defeat to the Asian team in less than 24 hours and take to the field the secret formula that would guide them on the road to Paris. It was Casas who imposed the rhythm of the Spanish team in the beginning, with a determination that was difficult to control in the face of opponents who faltered and had difficulty reaching the basket (0-11, minute 6). Spaniard Victor Lapeña was forced to reverse his cards and call the first time-out; Which had an impact and allowed distances to be shortened (11-12).

But nothing prevents the Spanish women from the idea of ​​being at the Olympic Games, not even the fact that they are facing a bronze medal in the 2023 America's Cup. The agility and energy of Miguel Mendes' girls did not allow them to go into the first half – it is late (25-36, D.20), with Keralt Casas (9 points) and Megan Gustafsson (9) as key pieces.

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The break, which was supposed to be a breath of fresh air for the Spanish team, ended up sapping their strength. The North American duo formed by Kohli and Alexander began to attract attention by scoring nine points in a row without giving the “Reds” any space (34-36, D.8).

The partial score of 23-9 (minute 30) in favor of the Canadiens set off alarm bells for a Mendes team, which was showing signs of wear. Even the 16 points scored by Megan Gustafson did not calm them down. While their nerves were frayed, they were barely able to control themselves, but the truth was that they were not giving up, 10 minutes away from achieving the victory that would restore their hope.

Both teams had their best weapons in defense and in the final quarter Spain knew how to deal with it. When the score became 50-49 (minute 38), Spain rallied and staged a stunning comeback.

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Amber Cross

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