‘Avatar: The Sensation of Water’: James Cameron explains why it’s so tall and talks about the scrapped sequel

James Cameron has revealed interesting discoveries about the stated duration of “Avatar: Water Sense‘, in addition to giving important details about which script was left out for a possible sequel to this saga. In an interview with Total Film MagazineAnd the The director explained that the film lasts more than three hours because it focuses more on the stories of its heroes, allowing the characters to develop better compared to the original.

“The goal is to tell a very compelling story with an emotional foundation. I would say that the focus in the new movie is more on character, story, relationships and emotion. We didn’t spend as much time on relationships and passion in the first movie as we did in the second movie, which is a longer movie since there are more characters to attend. There’s more history to serve,” Cameron explained.

Duration of “Avatar: The Sensation of Water” is 3 hours and 10 minutes, while “symbol picture(2009) lasted 2 hours 42 minutes. This difference, which does not seem to be very large, has prompted many people to engage in it Twitter In the debate about whether this length is appropriate and whether it is good to go to the cinema with such a feature film. But Cameron’s justification for this long can convince the audience that it’s worth watching this movie on the big screen, because we’ll be able to enjoy a greater development of the characters we met in the first movie and see how epic the universe is, and better explore their narrative.

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On the other hand, regarding the neglected script of the sequel called The High Ground, the director also revealed important discoveries of Total Film Magazine. In September we got news that Cameron spent a year writing the script for this sequel, which ended up in the trash. “I was working with a writing team. We had a lot of ideas. We tried to fit it together, but it didn’t quite fit. So at one point, I said, ‘I’ll just finish and see if a movie’ did. I think 130 pages came out. It was like Man, that’s a great story. This is a tremendous read.”Director explainedTitanica“.

Pandora in the graphic novel

“Avatar: The High Ground” has been canceled because, according to Cameron, “I didn’t go deep enough into the unexpected”. In addition, the director explained that he did not communicate with the world of dreams, which is necessary for this epic. however, The director and his team took some elements of the neglected sequel and incorporated them into Avatar: The Sensation of WaterPlus the intent to get ideas for the third movie in the franchise.

“There are some great things about this scenario. You have Na’vi fighting with bows and arrows in zero gravity. Go with it! I want to see this movie. But it didn’t capture enough of the story, themes and goals of what I had in mind.” Therefore, we are turning it into a graphic novel from Dark Horse. You will be able to watch the intermission battle that took place between the first and second films.”Cameron explained. Apparently, ‘Avatar: The High Ground’ will never appear as a feature film, but not all of the work done on the screenplay will be left out, and it will be used for subsequent films and for at least a new graphic novel from the saga that will hit shelves. in the United States on December 6. “Anater: The Feeling of Water” will premiere on December 16th.

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Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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