Artists and intellectuals from Chile and France support Gabriel Boric | Two letters were issued on Monday confirming that he is a “candidate for a civilized future.”

Artists and intellectuals from Chile and France signed letters of support For the presidential candidate from the left, Gabriel Borek, hold it His victory in the polls would be “good news for all”.. Among the more than a thousand representatives of Chilean culture are writer and traditionalist Jorge Paradet, singer Isabel Parra and director Rodrigo Sepulveda. Meanwhile, the French signatories include filmmaker Costa-Gavras, philosopher Tony Negri, actress Berenice Bejo and MP Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

The first letters express “Deep concern about the possibility of a far-right government, which does not fully protect the progress that has been made on these mattersWhich brings us back to the darkest moments in our history. Against this background, Chilean artists point out that “only Borek provides the democratic guarantees that validate the current process of the constitutional agreement.”

For its part, the French letter warned of a resurgence of nationalism around the world. Therefore, the signatories understand that it is time to demonstrate Against “historical revisionism, xenophobic rhetoric, disregard for women’s rights and climate skepticism”. They stressed that “the presidential elections are taking place between an admirer of General Pinochet and a democratic candidate supported by many parties,” and they conclude by saying: “Borek is the candidate of the civilized future.”

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Freddie Dawson

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