Argentine psychologists will automatically approve their degree in Spain: who will be able to process it

The Spanish government's analysis included more than 160 curriculum files from Argentine universities and highlighted parity in workload, external academic training and health competencies.

the Argentine psychologists They will be able to automatically match their certificates in Spain thanks to a Agreement between the two countries From which, initially, more than a thousand specialists can benefit.

Educational organizations in both countries evaluated Similarity in race to psychology It was issued in both territories and the procedure was developed so that Argentines could practice the profession in the European country.

Decision from National Agency for Quality Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA) of Spainpublished May 10 specifies that Requests to Approval of the official Spanish title for the Master's degree in Psychology in Public Health Coming from Argentine universities, they will be “positively informed.”

The agreement will allow those who have Bachelor's degree in Psychology issued before Argentine universities, centers or institutions It can be practiced in Spanish territory.

“It is good news that the claim of a large group of… Argentine colleagues residing in Spain That's for years They were demanding Title consistency. It is the result of a long process, which represents Demanding and up-to-date standards “It matches our study plans in Argentina,” he said. information graduate Marcelo Clingo, President of the Federation of Psychologists of the Argentine Republic (Vibra).

ANECA decision that will allow automatic homogenization of studies in psychology between Argentina and Spain

the Ministry of Education of Argentinawhich depends on Ministry of Human CapitalAnd he pointed out in A launch That agreement “affects Psychology professionals residing in Spain which has Positive opinion For their titles.”

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It is estimated that in A futurethe Argentine psychologists who decided to emigrate To that country, you will also be able to carry out approval procedures and obtain Positive opinion.

In conversation with informationthe doctor Myrta Goldsteinpresident Argentine Psychoanalytic Association (APA) He considered that “any standard that facilitates professional exchange between countries is welcome.”

For her part, the lawyer Alicia Rotella, President of the Buenos Aires Psychologists Association (APBA)pointed to information The agreement highlights ” argentine Professional Hierarchy, Outstanding students with outstanding academic training, especially from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). “It is a great achievement that highlights the level of all our universities as well as public education.”

the National Committee for Evaluation and Accreditation of Universities (CONEAU) In Argentina, it is responsible for evaluating “the standards corresponding to professions regulated by the state, the exercise of which could harm the public interest, directly endangering the health, safety, rights, property and training of the population (Article 43). Law 24.521)”, according to the Ministry of Education statement. .

Psychology degrees can be accredited by Argentine universities as long as they comply Certain requirements. These include that The address is official in ArgentinaAnd that there is Sufficient equivalence in academic terms, duration and content With Spanish reference title.

The agreement affects psychology graduates of Argentine nationality residing in Spain

Moreover, studies must be Completed fully in the Argentine educational system. This means that all previous courses must be approved in their entirety, without exception. ANECA decided that homologation applications submitted by Argentine universities that meet these requirements will be favorably notified.

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The Argentine government stressed that the standards used in the country “are of international standard, which means… Accredited courses are linked to Argentine universities“, as well as from other countries in the world.

This evaluation comes in cooperation with the National Authority for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (Annika) from Spain, which depends on Ministry of Universities Iberian, allowed and facilitated the homogenization of foreign degrees Verification process The same thing in Spanish territory.

Analysis included More than 160 study plan files from Argentine universitiesAnd highlighted Parity in workload, external academic training and health competencies. In both Argentina and Spain, regulations include a final job offer.

This analysis was performed under orbit Undersecretary for University Policies at the Ministry of Education (SSPU) From Argentina. According to ANECA, “It is ultimately about the transfer of foreign certificates for which approval is sought The same verification criteria are set by current regulations for degrees offered by Spanish universities That provides access to regulated professions.”

“Courses accredited by CONEAU are a guarantee of scientific quality. Eliminating legal boundaries is always beneficial at the individual, professional and social levels for academic and cultural enrichment.” information Psychoanalyst Myriam RedeefMember of the University Institute of Mental Health of the Psychoanalytic Association of Buenos Aires (APdeBA) Certified by CONEAU.

The Argentine Ministry of Education, under the Ministry of Human Capital, said in a statement that the agreement “benefits psychology professionals residing in Spain, who will receive a positive opinion regarding their degrees.”

The Spanish organization's decision indicates this The psychology majors in Spain and Argentina offer many important similarities, and highlights equality in workload, skills and curriculum structure. The most important commonalities are listed below:

  • Workload. Both educational systems require a Minimum workload is about 3000 hours. In Argentina, 3,200 hours are required, of which 2,700 hours are devoted to theoretical training and 500 hours to practical training. In Spain, 240 ECTS credits are required for the degree plus 90 ECTS credits for the Master in Public Health Psychology (MPGS), adding up to at least 3,000 teaching hours.
  • Health competencies. The theoretical and practical competencies and contents of a health nature in both training courses are equivalent, covering 180 ECTS credits determined by Spanish regulations. There are small differences in specific content in the Spanish context, but they do not exceed 1% of the total credits.
  • Academic practices. Both countries require a minimum of 500 hours of external training. In Spain, these hours are taken in the MPGS, while in Argentina they are distributed between supervised professional practice and practical training depending on the curricular area.
  • Final work. In both systems, a Final work. In Spain, the Final Master's Project (TFM) contains 12 ECTS credits, while in Argentina, the Final Integrative Project (TIF) does not have a specific workload, but pursues the same goals.
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“For all this, and according to the technical reports compiled by ANECA on the subject, there are sufficient guarantees that allow the establishment of this general procedure with regard to bonds regulated by the State of Argentina subject to the homologation process with the official official The title is the Spanish Master’s degree leading to a regulated profession of health psychologist General,” concluded the Spanish entity.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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