April Fools’ Day or April Fools’ Day: What is it and how did the celebration originate?

April Fools' Day or April Fools' Day: What is it and how did the celebration originate?
April Fools’ Day or April Fools’ Day: What is it and how did the celebration originate? Photo: Getty Images

Every April 1 in United Stateis celebrated on april fools or april fools, A time when all kinds of jokes are played. This date is compared, in the United States, with what was done, for years, in Mexico under the Day of the Innocents. But What is and how did this holiday originate? Unotv.com tells you.

What is April Fools?

The April Fools or April Fools’ Day Unleash the ingenuity of the citizens United StateBecause this is the time when pranks are allowed with friends and Relatives. Even some companies and important companies added to festive.

This is the importance of today United Statewhich is alluded to in cartoons or films that give more popularity to April Fool.

What is the origin of fools day?

There are many theories about the origin of April Fool, It is similar to the Day of the Innocents celebrated in Mexico because of the jokes. Some suggest it is related to the festival Saturnalia in Romewhile others claim that it is in fact due to a change in Calendar.

Historians confirm that the festive atmosphere April Fools’ Day, or Fools’ Daydating back to 1560, when the calendar underwent a modification in France, as it moved from Julian to AD, which led to a change The new year to January, when it was celebrated at the end of March.

although April Fool started in FranceLater, the imitation of jokes moved to United kingdom, Which he installed in the colonies they had in America and which we know today United State.

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Since then, it has become common to make jokes between them Friends and loved onesSome are more elaborate than others, but with a firm intent to make people laugh and get… Beautiful moment.

Terry Alexander

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