An engineer from Dolores exports science from Argentina to Sweden

Thomas Byrne He is a man from Dolores who, after graduating as a materials engineer, is doing his doctorate at a university Institute of Materials Science and Technology (INTEMA) which depends on National University of Mar del Plata And the Conisit (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research).

His work is included within the strategic theme of energy, new technologies and materials for new applications. As part of his investigations, he is present these days in… Chalmers Universityin the Swedish city GutenbergTo test and conduct further studies on a material he developed himself at the University of Mar del Plata.

Works on “Self-healing epoxy type polymers, for additive or 3D manufacturing applicationsByrne explained ENTRELÍ That, within the framework of an international cooperation project with several countries that includes INTEMA, “I had the opportunity to come to Sweden to take measurements for the materials I make“.

At this point, he stated that “There is one in particular that I developed in 2022 and spent the whole of 2023 working on, which is now being used by other groups in Italy and Portugal. Now bring it here because in Sweden they don’t have the knowledge of this material but they are part of the projectThis means, adds Thomas, “I came to show you my system, and my type of polymer in case they want to use it in applications.”“.

In the midst of an intense debate taking place in our country about the benefit of public universities and investment in science and technology, Byrne pointed out that “In our group we have a lot of experience with this type of polymer; There are different combinations to create them but there is one specific combination that I have improved on – knowing how to do it and traceability of the process – and advantages that we have found that have not been published“.

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This shows that Argentine science is in a position to make significant contributions in the international scientific context. In the face of questions and limitations that have severely affected our scientific and technological system, engineer Dolores said: “Sometimes I wake up feeling very angry; It’s easy to criticize when you don’t know. The cuts we’ve made make me very upset. Administrative layoffs, especially: I know how to do what I do, not fill out international purchasing forms or HR forms. What happened in Mar del Plata amazes us greatly“.

Considering his own situation, he asserted that “When they say “why do it if we can bring it from abroad”, that makes me angry too, because they couldn’t bring this from abroad, because they don’t do it anywhere else. We export that knowledge“.

I also came here to bring knowledge, as well as take their knowledge. This gives you the idea that the level of Argentine science is very important.He affirmed, emphasizing his status as a graduate of the public university.

Now, from Sweden, a country of isolated and most closed people in his opinion, he lists his predictions: “Do many experiments with my materials, so that all this results in some publication or some benefit, something that can be sold, contacts made, and the Swedes can keep the image of what Argentines are, how they work, how knowledgeable they are and how much they are worth. (That job).”

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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