America’s Founding Fathers are superheroes in an extraordinary film about the revolution

Netflix wants to kick the board United States: the movie. On the 30th of this month, a movie will be released that should speak only of its premise: an account of the American Revolution of 1776 from an outdated and humorous perspective. The Founding Fathers would carry saws, axes, and hammers, some of which would be able to fly.

The strangeness of the proposal makes sense if you know who thinks it. Those responsible for production and directing are the same as those who have taken refuge in television and cinemas archer And Spider-Man: A New World, an animated series and movie that slightly pushes the boundaries of its genres and is amazed by its scripts.

Judging by what can be seen on the movie’s first poster and trailer, the project is filled with jokes about America, gags that defy political correctness, and never-ending makeshift games.

Part of the official poster of the movie.

George Washington, the hero of the movie, makes his star appearance as if he is captain America And lead an army in the best style William Wallace: “This is p…the revolution,” he was released before running to face his enemies with two blades.

The collection of historical errors will be present at all times. Bearing in mind that on opinion-sharing sites – Twitter, for example – viewers are answered by certain decisions made by artists, the team United States: the movie Ready to challenge sensitivities.

Just to give an example, Thomas Edison, one of the most controversial characters in modern US history, will be played by an Asian woman.

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“Science,” powers related to magic and neon lights are elements of theatrical representation that make it clear that the film will not tell the story in a traditional way.

Simon Pegg and Channing Tatum will provide their voices in the film.

Simon Pegg and Channing Tatum will provide their voices in the film.

The cast of sounds in English United States: the movie It is a selection of Hollywood celebrities. Channing Tatum, Simon Pegg, Olivia Munn, and Jason Mantzoukas are some of the artists who have become famous.

The official synopsis hints at the suggested action tone: “In this savage and animated revisionist tale, George Washington armed with chainsaws forms a team of agitators that includes beer-loving brother Sam Adams, famed scientist Thomas Edison, acclaimed knight Paul Revere and Geronimo too angry to defeat Benedict Arnold. and King James in the American Revolution.”

HamiltonIt has achieved substantial theatrical success in recent years, and has also gone the alternative way of telling a similar story.

Instead of resorting to animation and anachronisms, the author and actor Lin Manuel Miranda He chose songs and turned the history of the revolution into world-famous music.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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