Achieving happiness: 10 ways to increase mental health according to science

Exercising, decluttering, and traveling are just some ways to improve brain health.

Psychological health. Image: Unsplash

the Global Health Organization Mental health is defined as “a state of well-being that every individual enjoys Develops his potential, can face life pressures, and works productively and fruitfullyAnd you can contribute something to your community.” But that doesn't happen in everyday life.

We are in a complex time when it comes to mental health. Hectic daily life, constant pressures, and the ephemerality of interpersonal relationships mean that levels of… Anxiety and depression An alarming increase.

Mental health, meditation, breathing.  Image: UnsplashMental health, meditation, breathing. Image: Unsplash

Is it possible to achieve mental health? Although it's complicated, there are some habits and actions we can take to achieve happiness, starting with self-care. “Take care of what we eat, keep track of our bodies and emotions. He explained that mindfulness, breathing and relaxation techniques help a lot in this matter information Gabriela Gonzalez Aleman, neuroscientist.

“We have to choose those things that really benefit us and that lead us towards our goals. Try to sleep well, seek experiences that stimulate our senses, and pay attention to relationships. “Bonds are very important for mental health,” he continued.

Leisure, nature, mental health.  Image: UnsplashLeisure, nature, mental health. Image: Unsplash

“We must keep in mind that this is important Function in society, be alert. This goes beyond developing my social or family relationships, but rather being a worker of well-being within society. Take care of my mental health, but be a social functioning mechanism in which I contribute to the well-being of others. Learn from mistakes, take the things that don't go well while learning From there I achieve more success and growth for myself and my environment.

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Women, happiness.  Image: Unsplash.

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10 actions recommended by science

There are different procedures to achieve status Mental fullness. Below, ten supported by science.

“The formula for including positivity in the field of perception is Smile more and complain less“Complaints have negative effects on mental health,” Gonzalez Aleman said, as it “proves A mood of general dissatisfaction Which fills us with stress and anxiety. It also affects our perception of the environment. By focusing on the negatives, we lose the ability to appreciate the small joys we encounter every day.

He smiles.  Image: UnsplashHe smiles. Image: Unsplash

“A smile, a simple gesture that is sometimes underestimated, can serve as a gesture Powerful tool To confront the negative effects of the complaint. By smiling, we not only convey a positive image to others, but also… We activate specific areas of the brain associated with happiness and well-being.”

He finally concluded: “A smile is liberating.” endorphins and dopamine, Two neurotransmitters that are associated with pleasure and feelings of well-being. These hormones are an excellent antidote to the poison of negative thoughts and complaints. Once we activate its release through laughter, we begin to generate a virtuous circle that takes us little by little towards a better world. A more positive mindset.”.

  • Activating feel-good hormones

There are four hormones associated with happiness: Dopamine, serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin. These are neurotransmitters that are produced in different parts of the body and have specific effects on the brain.

Physical activity.  Image: Unsplash.Physical activity. Image: Unsplash.

Physical activity, dance, and romantic relationships These are some of the activities that produce a health effect.

These grateful people who see the good side of things rarely complain. “When complaining becomes a habit, we lose the ability to be happy about the good things that happen to us.“We give a free pass to stress and anxiety, and far from feeling grateful, we begin to believe that life owes us something, and we drown ourselves in dissatisfaction,” the specialist warned.

  • Spend more time in nature

Something as simple as spending time in nature can help Reduce stress, improve mood and strengthen health.

Leisure, nature, mental health.  Image: UnsplashLeisure, nature, mental health. Image: Unsplash

Report entitled “Green and blue spaces and mental health“From the World Health Organization it has been shown that spending time in nature (including urban and peri-urban areas) Improves mood, mindset and mental health.

Another study published last year in Occupational and environmental medicine found that people who visit green spaces five or more times a week have significantly lower water consumption Psychiatric, antihypertensive, and asthma medications Of those who spend less time in nature.

A study published in the journal Sciences I discovered that being in the presence of birds makes people feel more positive.

The system gives a nice feeling of “calm” to the brain. Living in a chaotic environment has effects on… memory. Moreover, those who do not tidy up the place they live frequently are more likely to develop it Mood disorders.

Make the bed, order, cleanliness, morning, wake up.  Unsplash pictures.Make the bed, order, cleanliness, morning, wake up. Unsplash pictures.

Studies have shown that order in the environment reduces stress levels, enhances productivity, increases personal effectiveness, and even improves sleep.

  • Reduce consumption of ultra-processed foods

Ultra-processed foods usually contain a high percentage of… Fat, sugar and sodium. Moreover, it contains Artificial flavours, colours, sweeteners and other additives Harmful to health.

According to a meta-analysis published in the journal NutrientsPeople whose diets are rich in these ultra-processed foods 44% increased risk of depression And a – Increased risk of anxiety by 48%.

Ultra-processed salt.  Unsplash pictures.Ultra-processed salt. Unsplash pictures.

  • Eat nerve-protective foods

However, a proper diet can contribute to this Mental and emotional health. There are many nutritional deficiency, Such as vitamins B12, B9 and zinc, which can cause symptoms of depression or dementia.

Follow a preventive diet such as mind diet, Which combines Mediterranean and DASH, is a good way to protect mental health. This way of eating helps prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

In 2013, a survey of 485 U.S. adults linked travel to an increase in the number of people traveling to the U.S. Empathy, attention, energy and focus. Other research indicates that the act of adapting to… Foreign cultures It can also enhance creativity.

  • Take a bike ride

Any type of physical activity is good for mental health, because the body secretes endorphins and serotonin.

Bicycle festival in Moscow.  Photo: EFE.Bicycles. Photo: EFE.

Many studies indicate this Cycling It can be especially useful. This is thought to be due to cognitive skills that come into play when riding a bike, e.g Balance and decision making.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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