A star is born in the Tarantula Nebula | The James Webb Telescope shows a stellar nursery in detail

Power View in infrared spectrum from the James Webb Space Telescope Discover Thousands of stars are forming in the Tarantula Nebula This is so far Not detected.

inside of Large Magellanic CloudJust 161,000 light-years away, the Tarantula Nebula is located The largest and brightest star forming region in the Lucca grouphe is, The closest galaxies to the Milky WayWhich makes it a favorite among astronomers to observe this process.

James Webb, launched on December 25, directed his instruments to this nebula, also called 30 Doradus, where, in addition to young stars, he revealed the presence of distant background galaxies, as well as the detailed composition and composition of the gas. and nebula dust.

Inebula image Captured by the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) Reminiscent of the house of a hiding tarantula, lined with silk, As described by the European Space Agency (ESA), which partners with NASA and the Canadian Space Agency on the telescope.

The cavity of the nebula, which can be seen in the center of the image, is due to the scorching radiation from a group of young, massive stars, which glow a faint blue in the image.

Only the denser regions surrounding the nebula resist erosion by strong stellar winds of young stars, forming plumes containing protostars, which will eventually break from their dusty atmosphere to form the nebula.

The near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSpec), for its part, picked up A star begins to leave its shaft and still maintains an insulating cloud of dust around it.

Without high-resolution Webb spectra at infrared wavelengths, the European Space Agency said, it would not have been possible to detect the star-forming ring in action.

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Lovell Loxley

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