Science reveals why songs stick with us

One of the coolest and most interesting qualities a song can have is to become so catchy that it’s impossible to get it out of your head. However, there is a fine line that separates songs that use repetition to enhance structure, or force a chorus, from those that cause headaches due to their insistence. There seems to be a scientific explanation that reveals how this works.

in A study conducted in Harvard university Titled “Why Is That Song Stuck in Your Head” by The Specialist Colin Walsh He noticed the song’s catchy patterns and explained: “There are certain musical characteristics that make songs more likely to become earworms, such as if the piece is repetitive, if certain notes have a longer duration, or if the intervals between notes are smaller.“.

What does a song depend on to become catchy?

However, Walsh adds that whether a song stays in someone’s mind depends not only on how it sounds or the resources you use, but also on The emotional connection that people can have with each other. For example, specific childhood memories or important moments in someone’s life.

Finally, the theorist concludes that although repeated repetition may be considered annoying in song, it is also It can be useful for memory“It involved the phonological loop, which is the process of holding something in your mind, like a mental diary, for a certain number of seconds,” he said. There are networks in the brain that support the functions of music, memory, attention, keeping something in your head, and working memory.“.

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Learn about the best singer in history according to science and how to create a modern song.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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