8 out of 10 Argentines consider that science and technology contribute to improving people's quality of life

According to the results A new survey of perceptions of science, technology and innovation, The majority of Argentines trust that the scientific system is capable of improving various areas of their lives, from education to health and environmental care. until, 81% believe that science and technology contribute to improving the quality of life Nearly a quarter of them associate the word “science” with “progress, future, progress.”

It was designed and implemented by the National Directorate for Scientific Information of the former Ministry of Science and Technology (MinCyT) before last year's presidential elections. The results come from nearly 8,000 surveys conducted among people over the age of 16 in 24 Argentine provinces and were published at the end of December 2023.

Today, in a context in which the sector’s contribution to society is discussed and analysed Provides valuable information about what Argentines think about science, technology and innovation What should be the priorities in the region at the regional and regional levels from their point of view.

The authors of the survey explained that it was conducted without mentioning the organization that implemented it, and that they applied the methodology of randomly contacting the target population via social media networks (Facebook and Instagram). “A nationally, regionally and regionally representative sample was obtained, allowing conclusions to be extrapolated to the entire population,” they say.

Key findings

Regarding the question aimed at investigating the extent to which citizens consider that science, technology and innovation contribute to improving people's quality of life, almost half of the participants (46%) gave a score of 10 (“fully contributes”) on the scale from 1 to 10. But The positive rating reaches 81% if those scoring 7 or more are taken into account.

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The survey also shows that 3 in 10 people (32%) know of a scientific and technological organization in their county (most references to scientific and technical organizations and national universities), but very few identify a company that invests in research and technology development or innovation (11%).

At the national level, the most well-known institutions are: CONICET, INTA, UTN, INTI, INVAP and UBA, among others. And if you look at the provincial level, you will always find national universities located in each jurisdiction.

One fact to consider is that only 16% of those consulted were aware of the existence of a National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, which has been approved by both chambers of Congress and will become law in 2023. However, in light of the question of the importance of having a roadmap For the next seven years, 70% expressed their support.

Through targeted responses including several options, participants identified priorities that science and technology should focus on reducing poverty and inequality, addressing and bringing about improvements in health and education, and contributing to the development of sustainable economies.

The report stated: “In line with sustainability, there is evidence of public interest in developing renewable energies and that the sector contributes to improving the quality of air, water and soil, including improving the quality of food.”

Pollution control, waste management, environmental education and deforestation also emerged as concerns to which the scientific sector could contribute a lot, according to those surveyed. Meanwhile, in the field of health, they hope to fundamentally contribute to “research to promote disease control and treatment, develop medicines, and improve equipment and infrastructure to improve the quality of care for people.”

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In order to directly discover what residents understand when talking about STI, participants were also asked to record the first and second words associated with each term. For 34% of participants, “science” is associated with the idea of ​​“research, discovery, and experimentation,” while 23% associate it with the ideas of “progress, the future, and advancement.”

In short, most indicators of the new STI Perceptions Survey reveal that the sector enjoys a very high rating from citizens, in contrast to the hostile climate it faces on social networks and from some public sector representatives, Argentines trust and support the scientific system.

Source: CyTA-leloir agency.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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