39 years after Steve McCurry's photo, this is what Sharbat Gula, the famous Afghan girl, looks like today

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What does Sharbat Gula, the famous “Afghan Girl” look like today?

After several years of research, in 2021 Steve McCurry He returned to Pakistan to find Sharbat, and the young woman's photo spread around the world. Since then, hundreds of photographers and journalists have contacted Sharbat to interview her and obtain new photos of this woman.


Gula sorbet before and after.

“I didn't think his picture would be any different from any other picture I took that day,” Steve McCurry said in the 1980s.

When McCurry returned to the Afghan camp, he received help from Thomas Muccino, an FBI forensic inspector, who conducted a facial comparison between photos taken in late 1984 and those taken in 2021. “I'm 100 percent sure it was same person”. Moschino said.

Sorbet Gula She is married to Rahmat Gul, and together they have three children: Zahida, little Alia and Kashar Khan.

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Few people know that October 19, 2016 Sorbet Gula She was arrested in Pakistan for illegally possessing an identity document from that country, where she lives in a refugee camp.

Sorbet Gula 2.jpg

Sorbet Gula.

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