100,000 pesos must be paid for illegal practice of medicine :: El Litoral – News – Santa Fe – Argentina

One patient demanded that a therapeutic practice be reinstated into his social work, and, prior to refusal, denounced the presumed professional. The judicial proposal was endorsed by the College of Movement Scholars in Santa Fe.

The false professional performed his duties in a central office headed by the Las Colonias department. Credit: File

Suspension of trial on trial: 100,000 pesos to practice illegal medicine must be paid A patient claimed re-practice of therapy to his social work and prior to refusal, denounced the alleged professional. The judicial proposal was endorsed by the College of Movement Scholars in Santa Fe. One patient claimed a therapeutic re-practice into his social work and, before refusing, denounced the alleged professional. The judicial proposal was endorsed by the College of Movement Scholars in Santa Fe.

A physical education teacher from Speranza has signed a trial suspension that he must pay $ 100,000 in donations and a fine for him, after a patient reported him the crime of illegally practicing medicine.

The hearing in which the “probation” was discussed was held last Friday in the Santa Fe courts before the criminal pre-trial judge, Luis Octavio Silva. The parties, represented by private counsel Alejandro Marcosi – along with the defendant – and Speranza’s plaintiff, Alejandro Benitez, agreed to apply the one-year opportunity criterion, if there are no changes, once the term expires, the criminal proceeding lapses.

But first, the person in question must pay $ 100,000 in donations to two foundations and a fine. As Dr. Marcozzi assured El Litoral, it was “an economic compensation of $ 40,000 for the College of Movement Scholars (from the 1st Constituency); another $ 40,000 for the volunteer firefighters in Speranza; the remaining $ 20,000 went to the Public Prosecution Office to be charged with a fine.”

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Downtown office

Despite retaining his identity, lawyer Speranza explained that “his client was investigated, and there was search and confiscation of tools in the place where the alleged criminal act was committed.” In addition, he made it clear that since it was a suspension of the trial, the agreement did not mean that the accused “confessed to the crime”; In other words, “Without acknowledging criminal responsibility, I promise my clients not to do it anymore”.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Alejandro Benitez confirmed that the investigation of an alleged crime related to the “illegal practice of medicine”, specifically referred to as kinesiology, was denounced in 2020 in the city of Speranza.

The fake professional carried out his duties in a central office headed by the Las Colonias division, using equipment he had purchased from a supplier in Buenos Aires. Although the defense argued that the franchise was supported by a licensed physician; They discovered from the prosecution that the person who rented the place and the machines and carried out the procedures had no basis.

Refund refused

The public prosecutor indicated that the investigation began “because a patient asked his social work to know the practice,” but “the social work does not admit anything” because he is not a professional from the list of service providers, and he is not qualified.

Likewise, a representative of the MPA was seen by the College of Movement Scientists in Santa Fe, which “confirmed the validity of the patient’s claim.”

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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