When will the next human trip to the moon be, according to Amnesty International?

Man's return to the moon will be in 2026, thanks to NASA's program. (a pot)

Returning a person to the moon is not a simple task, and for this reason, after more than 50 years, it has become difficult to achieve what the Apollo mission achieved in 1972. Currently, NASA has a project that hopes to carry a crew of four astronauts to this satellite for 10 days, but Artificial intelligence also has its own opinion on this matter.

We asked ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini about the possibilities of this flightwhen it can be implemented and more details related to this important event, which may help space research operations to take another direction.

NASA's Artemis program is leading the crew's return to the Moon after more than 50 years. The idea is to allow astronauts to fly in orbit for 10 days and search for resources, such as the potential for water and oxygen, that are ideal for improving space travel.

This is the group of four astronauts who are part of the Artemis mission that will travel to the moon. (Reuters)

This project already has a first part with an unmanned mission in 2022 and NASA has already confirmed the date of the next two launches: Artemis II in September 2025 and Artemis III in September 2026. This will be the final mission that will take astronauts to the surface of the moon for about 10 days.

But these dates may change, as the initial plan was to implement it in 2024, but it had to be postponed. Therefore, even for artificial intelligence, it is very difficult to specify a specific time frame, Because there are many factors that can modify the release date.

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To better understand these aspects, we asked AI what it would take to get to the Moon and for a mission of this type to be successful. Gemini takes into account four conditions: technology, planning, resources, and cooperationSome conditions according to Google AI are as follows:

To get to the Moon, many resources and technology are needed, which is why it took more than 50 years to return. (Illustrative image)
  • A powerful and reliable rocket capable of launching a spacecraft with the necessary crew and equipment into space.
  • Spacesuits protect the crew from the harsh conditions in space.
  • Reliable communications systems to maintain contact with Earth.
  • Comprehensive training for the crew so that they can face any situation that may arise.
  • Sufficient funding to cover the costs of the mission.
  • A team of highly qualified engineers, scientists and technicians.
  • International cooperation between different space agencies and countries.

ChatGPT takes a similar tack, considering that the success of the moon landing largely depends on “adequate funding and continued political support.” Because it is a long-term project, it is subject to many variables that can affect its development. Also to emphasize safety, the chatbot believes that “all necessary precautions should be taken to ensure the safety of the crew, including backup systems and emergency procedures in case there is any eventuality.”

On the other hand, the co-pilot talks about other factors that could jeopardize a return to the Moon, even if the flight takes place. The AI ​​says factors such as “cosmic radiation and extreme temperatures in space” must be taken into account. next to, “The Moon lacks a dense atmosphere and abundant water. Obtaining resources such as oxygen and water for future missions will be a challenge.

To get to the Moon, many resources and technology are needed, which is why it took more than 50 years to return. (Illustrative image)

At this moment, the Artemis 3 mission is best suited to return a group of humans to the moon's surface. Although Russia, China and India are developing programs to achieve this, only NASA has given dates and the best indicators of the ability to achieve this.

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“I think there is a good chance that the Artemis III mission will be successful and that man will eventually return to the Moon. NASA has extensive experience in manned space missions, and has been working for many years,” Gemini said of the options available for this project, which will take four astronauts to the Moon in 2026. To develop the technology and systems necessary for the mission.

Lovell Loxley

"Alcohol buff. Troublemaker. Introvert. Student. Social media lover. Web ninja. Bacon fan. Reader."

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