What are the causes of gray hair, according to Harvard experts?

Why do we get gray hair, according to Harvard

The effects of the passage of time on the body are manifold and can occur both internally and externally. It is among the most noticeable signs of aging gray hair; Why are they leaving us? Is stress a cause? This has been confirmed for a long time and that If we want to keep our hair healthy, following habits that help us relax and avoid stress can help us.

However, while to some extent Constant stressful situations can speed up the process, According to Harvard experts, our hair does not turn white because of it. and that is As shown Robert H. current member of Harvard Medical School and senior editor Harvard Health Publishing, After the age of 35, it’s totally normal to start noticing a change. It’s that easy Like As hair follicles age, they produce hair with less color, Therefore, the new hair that is born makes it whiter and whiter.

In humans, Most gray hair has nothing to do with stress. In fact, poetry in fact Doesn’t “turn” gray at all. Once the hair follicles produce hair, the color is fixed. If one strand of hair starts brown (or red, black, or blonde), it will never change color (unless you dye your hair). Hair follicles produce less color with age, so When hair goes through its natural cycle of coloring and regrowth, gray hair is more likely to grow back after age 35.” confirmed.

We can blame a stressful job or a rebellious teen, but genetics primarily determine how early gray hair appears and how quickly it appears (Getty Images)

According to the expert,While exposure to stress cannot change the color of individual hair strands, it can lead to a common condition called telogen effluvium. This causes hair to fall out three times faster than usual. Hair grows again, and the condition does not cause baldness. But if you are middle-aged and your hair is falling out and growing faster due to stressIt is possible for the hair that grows to be gray instead of its original colour.

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I have said that, Study 2020 for the mouse proven How stress can cause their fur to turn gray under stress. It is not clear if this applies to humans and how often it plays a role in graying hair.

Other than the fact that it can be avoided or not, what is clear is that white hair is being imposed as one of the aspects of beauty that more and more young people are joining in. (Getty Images)
Other than the fact that it can be avoided or not, what is clear is that white hair is being imposed as one of the aspects of beauty that more and more young people are joining in. (Getty Images)

The vast majority of gray-haired people have age-related gray hair. however, Sometimes gray hair indicates a disease, especially if it occurs at a particularly young age. as a last resort, When and how our hair turns gray is mainly influenced by the genes we inherited from our parents. Although stress may play a role in this process, it would be helpful to look at past generations rather than stress levels.

So the best we can do is Take care of our hair and treat it well So that what should fall every season and no more, and delay, even a little, the appearance of gray hair if that is what we want. However, the White hair is natural and there is nothing wrong with it Not even his education at any age. But it depends on each one and how comfortable they feel. Beyond the fact that it can be avoided or not, what is clear is that White hair is imposed as one of the Clothes It is beauty that more and more young people are joining.

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