(Video): She is Argentinian. She went to a supermarket in Canada to see if people understood Spanish and it went viral.

the com. tiktoker Argentina @fer.mugrabi lives in Canada He benefited from part of his stay in that country Do a social experiment Which consists of going to the supermarket and Ask people questions in Spanish to find out what they know about the language.

An Argentine woman shopped in a shopping center in Chile and was shocked by the prices: “A huge difference.”

And in the video used Tik Tok pass: “Today I will do a social experiment. I'll see how well they understand Spanish A country that speaks English and French, expressed in the first stage. Then he entered the supermarket and started asking people for some recommendations.

During the post, the young Argentine woman stood in the chocolate area and the sports and personal hygiene area, where she asked the people she passed if they… “Recommended product” also “If he is rich.”among other things.

How tiktoker succeeded with social experiment in canada

Although most of the Canadians did not understand Spanish, they were all willing to help her and tried to answer her question.

“As a conclusion for today I can say that Canadians are absolutely amazing He explained at the end of the post.

Networks' reaction to seeing the Argentinian's TikTok video in Canada

As soon as the video began to spread on social networks, it reached a huge number of views and 150,000 visits. Naturally, this unleashed a public frenzy and users were quick to express themselves about it.

“I see the supermarket prices and I think everything is cheaper in Canada than in Argentina.”“I need more videos about this experience” “What would the Levant be like without English”, “How wonderful everyone is”“I loved that so many people, even without understanding you, gave you a good feeling and tried to understand you through context,” they said.

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Sacha Woodward

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