Vicente Fox asks for a union between the United States, Mexico and Canada to compete with China – El Heraldo de Juárez

On Thursday, the US-Mexico Border Summit 2022 was held. Various experts in business, public policy, diplomacy and the arts have given lectures at the event. Talks at the “US-Mexico Border Summit 2022” began at 8:00 a.m. and ended at 4:00 p.m. at the Plaza Hotel and Hotel Paso del Norte in this border city.

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To start the event, the opening ceremony was held with the participation of the Mayor of El Paso, Oscar Lesser; Ricardo Samanego, District Judge and John Barilla, Borderplex Administrator.

“We talked about bringing El Paso and Juarez together, we believe that as El Paso is going forward, Juarez is going forward, everyone who attended this summit. Thank you for coming and investing in our community,” said Mayor Oscar Lesser.

“With events like this, we can see how important it is to unite this border region, this is a great opportunity for all of us,” Judge Ricardo Samaniego added.

The first presentations were given by Will Hurd, former congressman, executive director of cybersecurity, and covert CIA officer, with his conference “American Reboot, A Perfect Guide to Doing Great Things.”

Thereafter, a round table was held with Mauricio Ibarra Ponce de Leon, Consul General of Mexico in El Paso; Richard Hyde, British Consul General in Houston and Rachel McCormick, Canadian Consul General in Dallas.

The main event of the summit was the conference with former President, Vicente Fox, accompanied by Stephen Harper, former Canadian Prime Minister, where various topics were addressed, such as tensions in Russia and Ukraine, economic potential of China and current situations and opportunities in each country.

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“China and the East are a sleeping giant, in the near future they will overtake the United States and become the largest economy in the world, and the only way to survive is to unite North America (Mexico, Canada and the United States). Countries), we must realize that Mexico is not the small behind the wall, We buy and sell almost the same as this nation,” former President Vicente Fox commented in his post.

For his part, Stephen Harper, the former prime minister who was asked about the biggest misperception Americans have about Canada, highlighted the importance of the economic relationship between the three NAFTA participating countries.

“Canada’s economic relationship with the United States primarily and with Mexico is of great importance to our country, and the biggest misconception that the United States has about Canada is not acknowledging the great importance of this economic relationship to Canadians, which most Americans don’t know.”

Finally, the event was concluded by John Barilla, Borderplex Manager, who thanked the attendees and highlighted the ‘success’ of this edition of Border Summit.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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