Top Transfers to Valle del Cauca | Finance | Economie

A large portion of the $8,597 million that came into the country in 2021 as remittances from Colombian workers abroad, did so in Valle del Cauca.
According to the records of the Bank of the Republic, 2,308 million USD reached that department, On average around $192 million per month.

(Colombians outside the country have a record of sending remittances.)

Next up is the Antioquia division, at $1,516 million.
It was followed by the Cundinamarca department, which includes Bogotá, with remittance revenue of US$1,431 million.

The Risaralda division follows in order, with transfers of $390 million.
Atlántico continues the list with $331 million, in addition to Santander, Quindio, Caldas, Bolivar, Tolima and Norte de Santander, but statistics show that the 32 departments were recipients of remittances from abroad.

(Women who send the most remittances.)

countries of origin

During 2021, the United States continued to be the country from which most Colombian labor remittances arrived. The figures indicate that 4,435 million US dollars have arrived from that country, which is 51.5% of the total amount of remittances, and one percentage point above 2020.

In the United States, there are nearly 50% of the Colombian foreign population and with the millionaire’s plans to help the unemployed due to the pandemic, immigrants have been favored and, with it, a portion of these resources sent to Colombia between 2020 and 2021.

From Spain It reached US$1,256 million last year, an important source of national labor income for several decades.
for this part, Chile It continues to increase its involvement in remittances, reaching US$507 million in 2021 from this country.

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The southern country, which is the most developed in the region and which has reached an important influx of Colombian immigrants in the past ten years, has become one of the places where these resources originated.

Next, according to figures from the Banco de la República, comes the United Kingdom, where 200 million USD came from.


Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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