The United States will resume tariff exemptions for some Chinese products

The US government of Joe Biden has announced that hundreds of products imported from China will continue, until the end of the year, to be exempted from the punitive duties that it had initially imposed. Donald Trump.

Office United States Trade Representative (USTR) And it stated its decision to extend the exemption from these customs taxes for “352 out of 549 (products) qualified,” according to a statement. The measure will apply retroactively from October 12, 2021 to December 31, 2022.

The Biden administration launched this “targeted” exemption measure in early October, stating that it would grant them “on a case-by-case basis” when there was no substitute for products from China. Companies wishing to take advantage of this can justify their request.

Small and medium-sized US companies have denounced these additional tariffs, which they have to pay, not being able to source elsewhere.

“Today’s decision was made after careful consideration of public comments and in consultation with other US agencies,” the US Trade Representative’s office said.

The Trump administration, denouncing “unfair” trade practices by Beijing that have led to massive trade deficits, has imposed punitive tariffs on Chinese goods on the equivalent of $370 billion in US imports annually.

However, over 2,200 concessions were granted and 549 were subsequently extended. “Most of these waivers expired on December 31, 2020,” the Office of the United States Trade Representative added in the statement.

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Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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