The Miami-Dade company is opening its doors to Aragonese companies to do business with its innovation center in the United States

Today, nearly 40 Aragon companies have learned about the business opportunities they can find in Miami-Dade County, one of the major innovation centers in the United States. In addition, it is a gateway to both this country and Latin America and has the number one port in North America in terms of international cargo and passenger volume.

Miami-Dade representatives, led by County Commission Chairman Oliver Gilbert and Roderick Miller, CEO of the Beacon Council, explained to business and professionals that “we are the definition of an international community, with more than half the population born outside the United States, and therefore, are open and hospitable, and understand what it means.” Arriving from another country and doing business.

Moreover, they added, “we know what Aragon is capable of.” Technology and innovation We want to build relationships, and facilitate the entire performance of companies from installation to capital resources.”

These Miami-Dade opportunities were announced at a conference within the framework of the activities of the Plan for Bidding International (PLI), developed by CEOE Aragón, in collaboration with the regional government, to promote business internationalization.

At the opening ceremony, Javier Martínez, Director General of Economic Policy of the Government of Aragon, and Agustín Lalaguna, Vice President and CEO of Zaragoza, highlighted Miami-Dade's strong entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem as one of the strengths of Aragonese and Spanish companies.

Additionally, Lalaguna highlighted the strong growth potential in Miami, as well as the state Florida”, which concentrates 40% of Spanish companies based in the United States; 80% of them are in Miami-Dade. “We have to encourage our companies to venture out into these markets.”

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Aragon and Miami-Dade share some strategic sectors such as logistics and technologyEspecially in areas such as health, finance, augmented reality or biotechnology. “Like Miami in the United States, we aspire to be a technology hub on this side of the Atlantic,” Martinez commented.

He also highlighted the significant margin of growth enjoyed by Aragon's trade relations with the United States, as only 234 million euros of Aragon's total exports of 17 thousand euros last year were destined for the United States. Imports were also reduced to 160 million euros.

During the day, case Heberus, an Aragon company that has successfully installed in Miami-Dade. Director of Talent Strategy and Innovation, Angel Bardelos, commented how our presence in Miami since 2022 “allowed us to open offices in Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador and Colombia, and manage everything from Miami.” It expects to have approximately 400 workers in its delegations at the end of the year to provide service to these countries.

The International Region Director of Aragón Exterior, Antonio Oro, also participated in the session, and the day ended with one-on-one interviews between the companies and representatives of the Miami-Dade company.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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