The love story of a British teacher who found love in the Peruvian Amazon – Ecuador metro

The pandemic left an incredible love story between a teacher and a young man from the Peruvian Amazon that quickly went viral because of his story.

Professor is Caroline Knight from the United Kingdom, and Romulus Ellerfrom Peru and met in the Peruvian jungle.

It all started when Caroline, a yoga teacher, traveled to South America with a group of friends. Their intention was to teach some classes, but they faced the pandemic and COVID-19 restrictions, according to the newspaper. daily Mail.

Once in Peru, Caroline, 33, headed to a camp near Puerto Maldonado, a city known as the gateway to the southern part of the Amazon jungle. And at that time he met Promolo, who was dedicated to the cultivation of cocoa.

Days passed and they both fell in love.

“I noticed that Romulo was a handyman and took care of the animals. In the afternoons we would all go out together as a group, and Romulo was always up for a conversation. He was shy and every time he greeted him his eyes were fixed on the floor.”

Then the distance came for them, as Caroline had to return to the UK, but Romulo did not give up and did everything possible to keep in touch with her and through Facebook He declared his love for her. “I have something to tell you, I think I love you.” Even though I only knew him for a few days, I felt the same way. But my head told me to back off and I replied: ‘I think I love you too’Caroline said, according to the Daily Mail.

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Caroline returned to the Peruvian jungle and now lives with her partner, who grow and sell cocoa.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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