The cheapest and most expensive months to travel to the United States | USA | USA nnda nnlt | trends

United State It is one of the favorite destinations for travelers. In fact, it often tops the list of tourist spots that receive thousands of citizens from all over the world. Namely, this country has a lot of attractions to offer within its 50 states.

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There are places United State Which is very popular with tourists such as New York, Miami, California or Florida. The truth is that any country in this country is a great choice because we are talking about a multicultural destination, not only for its inhabitants, but also for its landscapes, gastronomy, climate and even history.

The United States is the oldest union in the world. (Photo: US Embassy)

If you are planning to travel to United State You must have a budget to do this. You should also know that there are months of the year when it is cheaper to travel to this destination and other months when it is more expensive to travel to this destination. In this note we will tell you all about this topic.

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What are the cheapest months to travel to the United States?

The cheapest months to travel to the United States are January and September, according to travel booking company Hipmunk. During these months, you can save up to 31%.

It is the cheapest month to travel because the weather is usually poor for tourists in most of the country’s tourist destinations.

One of the advantages of traveling in the low season is that you find yourself with fewer tourists at the attractions. This is essential in destinations like Disney World and Universal Orlando, where it takes less time to wait for shows and tours.

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What are the most expensive months to travel to the United States?

The most expensive months to travel to the US are July, November and December. In these months, there is a peak season, that is, the time of the greatest tourist influx.

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It should be noted that the high season for any destination is determined by activities and festivities and stands out when it coincides with the school holidays. Here are the countries with the most attractions during July, November and December:

  • July: Alaska, California, Indiana, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington.
  • November: Arizona, Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee.
  • Dec: North Carolina, South Carolina, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.
There are places in the United States that are very popular with tourists such as New York, Miami, California or Florida.  (Photo: US Embassy)
There are places in the United States that are very popular with tourists such as New York, Miami, California or Florida. (Photo: US Embassy)

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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