Spontaneous intracranial hemorrhage due to COVID-19 in a 23-year-old Puerto Rican woman

Isolated cases of spontaneous ICH in COVID-19 patients have been reported in the literature.

Upright portable chest radiograph of the patient’s anteroposterior and CT scan of the head (without contrast) of the patient. A very dense lesion in the precursor region of the right parietal lobe (white arrow). Photo: case report.

Symptoms of the virus COVID-19 Continue to demonstrate the importance of including the pathogen as differential diagnoses in manifestations such as headaches and strokes.

Which is that in Puerto Rico there was only a case of a 23-year-old girl who tested positive COVID-19 Those who suffer from intractable headaches.

Although ischemic strokes transforming into hemorrhagic strokes are more common, cases of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage in hospitalized patients with: COVID-19 increasing.

After excluding other etiologies, the investigation by the medical team attached to the Campus of Medical Sciences indicates that COVID-19 It is the most likely cause of spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage (ICH), although confirmation of the diagnosis is almost impossible.

Isolated cases of spontaneous ICH in infected patients COVID-19 Reported in the literature, most of these men, between the ages of 31 and 78, were hospitalized mostly with respiratory symptoms such as COVID-19with an interval of 2 to 25 days between onset of symptoms and diagnosis of ICH, supports the discussion of the report.

However, the patient described in this case presented different characteristics from those of the patients described in the literature, as she was a young woman with no risk factors for ICH and no inflammatory or abnormal coagulation markers.

For this reason, doctors stress the importance of the addition COVID-19 In the differential diagnosis of young patients without risk factors with spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage, without clear etiology, with the aim of always adding diagnostic tests COVID-19.

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