Rosario: 200 medical students without masks in …

As Coronavirus cases multiply across the country, On Wednesday, a group of 200 medical students from Rosario National University participated in a party on the beach without restricting health care..

Mayor Pablo Javkin has launched an investigation to define responsibilities and the university, for its part, expected it to summon the students involved.

It’s from a health-related college one would not expect in the least. The mayor of Rosario said in connection with the celebration that the spacing and the use of chinstraps and participants shared drinks were not respected.

Javkin explained that despite the recommendation that social gatherings take place outdoors, this type of behavior cannot be accepted. “Outdoors with a chin strap, with a distance. Anything not“, he added.

The ceremony for students starting their final year of their medical profession was traditionally held on Wednesday afternoon on the beachfront of the resort town of La Florida, on the banks of the Paraná River.

To access this sector, attendees had to pay a ticket and accept the venue’s conditions that prohibit the entry of alcoholic beverages and require compliance with health safety regulations.

The Dean of the United Nations, Jorge Molinas, indicated Thursday that they will summon the students who attended the ceremony and stressed that the event “contradicts” with what the university “issues”.

“We will find out what is going on around it and we will summon them (…) to have a dialogue with them. We are concerned and we want to verify. Although it is of a special nature, it attracts my attention. It contradicts what we have enactedVia Molinas, in dialogue with AM 830.

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At the same time, he stressed that they seek to “raise awareness about the protocols and the new wave that is being crossed.” “We strive until students understand the social role they play, as well as technical and specialized training“He completed.

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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