Open data transmission drives the economy

When data travels across borders, competition increases, improving opportunities for residents and businesses – including job creation and knowledge sharing – and having a positive impact on a country’s overall economy.

This is how he expresses it sales force In the Data Beyond Borders 3.0 report, which analyzes the role of G20 economies in cross-border data flows as well as recommendations for continuing to benefit from this economic and political strategy.

And it is that the G20 has made significant progress in allowing data to flow across borders. However, this progress also reveals an economic gap between countries that adopt open data transfer policies and those that do not.

says Sasson Gregorian, Salesforce’s Vice President of Public Affairs, Asia Pacific.

Data Beyond Borders 3.0.2 Update

The report’s conclusions highlight the importance of the cross-border data flow strategy for global economies. Cross-border e-commerce has grown 45-fold in the past decade and is expected to reach $2.7 trillion by 2023.

Japan and the United Kingdom lead the G20 economies in terms of ease of data flow across borders, followed by Australia, Singapore, and the United States. Russia and China are at the opposite end of the spectrum, due to their stringent data localization requirements and lack of regulatory facilities for cross-border data flows.

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are among the economies that have improved the most since the 2021 report, having developed or implemented legislation promoting cross-border data flows.

Open Data Transfer

According to Gregorian, the report still highlights concerns about data sovereignty. Therefore, it is recommended that there be a clear and internationally agreed definition of data sovereignty and that economies benefit from international standards.

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Thus, countries can take steps to further facilitate and improve cross-border data transfers for economic growth. Among them we can mention:

  • Develop global standards that harmonize privacy laws and comply with the principles of government access to data in the cloud.
  • Expanding digital economy agreements, such as free trade agreements, to include provisions on cross-border data.
  • Make trusted data sharing frameworks the norm.
  • Accelerate the digitization of companies and public services.
  • Clearly define data sovereignty to ensure it is global and interoperable, along with the rules for managing it

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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