Negative numbers handled by the only consultancy that feeds data to La Cámpora

La Cámpora’s relationship with the world of opinion polls appears to be of little standing, in an organization that occupies hierarchical positions in government and street mobilization muscle as primary assets. However, in a camporista atmosphere there is space for tables loaded with percentages on a photo political leaders Or on the most important problems plaguing public opinion. in the leading organization Maximo Kirchner They claim to consume data advisory peers, Although in the company they claim not to be customers.

Two sources from the camp confirmed Nation what or what They consulted Analogías numbers and identified them as the only number they use in the organization. “The Analogías works as La Cámpora asks of it. There is data that is used internally and another that is used to publish things that are functional for our interests “explains to this newspaper one of the camps describing, within the organization, Máximo Kirchner (also Christina Kirchner) as it has more to do with “politics” than it has to do with numbers.

Maximo Kirchner, on Saturday, at the opening of the base unit “Tiago Ares”, in Quilmes OesteCampora

However, they refused from Analogías to be associated with La Cámpora. “We don’t have La Cámpora as a client”, Confirms Nation Marina Acosta, Director of Communications at Consulting. He adds that they also do not work with any leader in the group who appoints them in their personal capacity. The company is owned by Pablo Mandía (until 2017 belonged to Chancellor Analia del Franco, also close to the ruling party), a former official in the official contact area during Christina’s second government. In the counselors’ environment, two sources have identified the relationship between the group and the Analogías but neither has confirmed it.

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In its March study, Analogias revealed that the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (which led to Maximo Kirchner’s resignation as head of the ruling bloc in the House of Representatives) It has a positive rating, with 44% of those consulted supporting it, and that support for the government is 35%, the lowest since the administration began.. The positive image of President Alberto Fernandez is also at its worst at 39%.. According to the consultant’s study, the population’s top three concerns are inflation (mentioned by 33% of those surveyed), corruption (31%) and insecurity (14%).

Alberto Fernandez presents the result of the agreement with bondholders, in work with Cristina Kirchner, Martin Guzman, Sergio Massa, Santiago Cafiero and the Conservatives, at the Casa Rosada Bicentennial Museum, 08/31/2020
Alberto Fernandez presents the result of the agreement with bondholders, in work with Cristina Kirchner, Martin Guzman, Sergio Massa, Santiago Cafiero and the Conservatives, at the Casa Rosada Bicentennial Museum, 08/31/2020Fabian Marielle

The company also publishes specific reports on employers’ perceptions of the current situation or the opinion of residents on the issue of wages, just to mention two of the studies published this month.

At the time of one-on-one dialogue with specialists, the cart menu appears low as well. based on advice Nation At various stations of the group, only a few of the names of possible interlocutors of Maximo Kirchner in this area were leaked. One of them was John Corelthe former Minister of Communications of Buenos Aires at times Daniel Scioli As governor, he worked on the Everyone Front campaign for last year’s elections, a team that the Catalan chancellor joined Anthony Gutierrez Ruby To try to change after the defeat at PASO (now he is still associated with Sergio Massa, who originally appointed him, but contributes to strategies for the FDT). But Corel did not answer this newspaper’s inquiry to confirm or refute the data.

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Some advisers admit that they had informal conversations with members of the contact group at La Cámpora, but claim that they did not work on taking measurements of the group. “Politics don’t like the truth to be told,” said a longtime pollster who has worked with leaders across the political spectrum, but emphasized that he had never done so with the group led by Vice President Christina Kirchner’s son.

Freddie Dawson

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