National Contribution to the Rio Negro – ADN

(By Luis Pardegia*). – The implementation of the national budget in Rio Negro, in some of its main expressions, such as science and technology, enters a scenario of unprecedented uncertainty.

By observing and analyzing it, it emerges as a feature of unique importance, at least since 2007, the status it has reached and the influence it has gained. Purpose and function Science, technology and innovation. With the information updated on December 28, 2023, we note that implementation in that year has practically reached $20,000 million (backlog). Río Negro placed among the top four provinces along with Buenos Aires, Capa and Córdoba. Alternating with the last third place.

In this context, the participation of CNEA stands out, followed by CONICET and INTA. Then CONAE, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the National Agency for Research, Development and Innovation appear. Although positions have varied greatly over the past years.

Details of the information contained in budget implementation reveal specific projects, activities and actions. In the case of the CNEA, some of the main elements implemented are aimed at infrastructure development such as, for example, “expanding the experimental capacity of the Bariloche Atomic Center (Phase III)” and building R&D laboratories. Fourth generation nuclear electricity. Or participate in the “Building of the RA-10 reactor.” For its part, at CONAE, among the projects promoted, the “Building of the SAOCOM 2 A/B satellite”, the “Building of the Tronador II launch vehicles” and the SABIAMAR (CAF No. 8700) and SAOCOM (IDB No. ° 1777/OC-) missions stand out. AR) / (IDB No. 4840/ OC-AR). Just mention two of the implementing agencies.

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As can be seen, year after year sustainable investment in science and technology represents an invaluable asset for Rio Negro at a time when the knowledge economy, new industrial policies and the ongoing energy transition are axes guiding the development processes of countries and regions. World regions. In particular, in the so-called developed countries (the European Union, the United States of America and the BRICS).

All this could suddenly change, not only because of the declared paralysis of public works, the content of DNU No. 70 and the draft law called “Law of Foundations and Starting Points of the Liberty of Argentines”, currently under discussion, but also by another definition that adds greater uncertainty to the current definition; Extension of the national budget for the year 2023 (Decree 88/23). On the one hand, it freezes budgetary values, which severely limits the work of the state within its territorial scope and in all its organizations; On the other hand, the Chief of Staff will be able to use the income that will be obtained higher than expected in 2023, at his discretion.

At this point, it is impossible to ignore what happened in Rio Negro with the inflation and devaluation crisis of the first months of 1989 and the reshaping of state functions that began with the early inauguration of Carlos Menem. Measures to reduce tax relief and postpone industrial and export activities have had a significant impact on the level of activity and employment. Eliminate refunds on exports made through Patagonian ports. Eliminate the Komahoe energy tariff and 20% liquid fuel subsidy for northern Patagonia. The closure and privatization of public companies (HIPASAM, YPF) have caused traumatic events in Sierra Grande and Catril. In the described context, there was also a sharp transformation of the territorial state itself, which had been mired in a hitherto unprecedented crisis, and its privatization. Regional Bank (BPRN), port and energy services and assets.

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Past and present scenarios may not be comparable, but the potential consequences of the expected amputations could cause similar impacts if necessary precautions are not taken at the level of regional jurisdictions as well as the municipalities involved, and the organizations that are part of the science and technology complex. Suppliers, business chambers, unions and society in general.

* Former municipal official of Cipoliti, former observer of IPPV, former regional legislator and former national deputy of FpV

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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