Mother’s Day 2022: The best phrases and poem to celebrate

Today, Sunday, October 16 It’s Mother’s Day in Argentina, and to entertain mothers with affectionate greetings, you can use some insinuating phrases or special gifts that reflect how you feel about them.

The celebration of Mother’s Day is one of the most important occasions in the country, at the family and commercial level, as it is one of the dates when more sales movement is generated in different regions.

From a business point of view, clothing and footwear are par excellence the sectors driving sales for this date, although technological products, expertise gifts, books and perfumes also stand out. In addition, the gastronomic sector is one of the sectors that benefits the most, with an alternative to greeting mothers with a different lunch or dinner.

When congratulating mother on her day, no matter what gift is chosen, it is very convenient to use some of them The distinctive phrase to accompany the salutation On this special day.

Here are various phrases that can be given to mothers on their day or that can be used as a kick to a personal and emotional message on the perfect occasion of gratitude, complicity, and love.

Who will have…

Who will shower us, mother at night, feverish eyelids, she will feel a touch of lips on her forehead that drives away the ghost of childish fears!

Who had, again, upon the headboard the face of tenderness in faint ivory, and who under his hand that blessed us at last felt dispelling childish sorrows!

It will be necessary to return to distant childhood, to the good old days of happy years, those times of yesterday when the whole fragrance of honey, balsam and ambrosia, when only the greatest damage was obtained. Mom’s kiss.


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