Miami landslide: new victim confirmed and hope of finding people alive under the rubble dwindles

Emergency workers conduct search and rescue operations at the site of a partially collapsed apartment building in Surfside, near Miami Beach (Photo: REUTERS/Joe Skipper)

Combined with the large spread of human and material resources, the number of victims of the collapse of a 12-storey apartment building in Surfside (Miami-Dade) I am now 12Whereas, five days after the incident, Relatives and friends of the 149 disappeared are losing hope that they will ever appear alive.

Surf Mayor Charles Burkett said Tuesday that he felt Frustration and anger among family members Who are waiting for a miracle find their life alive.

mayor of miami-dade, Daniela Levine CavaFlorida Governor, Ron DeSantisIn an appearance in front of the press with those responsible for search and rescue operations, they made an effort to highlight this Rescuers do everything they can, “break their backs” In the second words, to find victims under the rubble.

People cry on Tuesday at a memorial site set up by neighbors in front of a partially collapsed apartment building in Surfside (Reuters/Marco Bello)
People cry on Tuesday at a memorial site set up by neighbors in front of a partially collapsed apartment building in Surfside (Reuters/Marco Bello)

Levin Kava said this morning he was there موجود 210 people Disaster site workers who will be exempted at the end of their lives 12 hour shift by many rescuers. Altogether, There are more than 800 people in charge of the operation, different tasks, according to what was said in the press conference.

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Levin Kava, who thanked the وقال President Joe Biden announced that he intends to visit the site of the meltdown on Thursday.

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Same day but last week, at 1.30am 55 apartments subordinate 136 who own the 40-year-old South Champlain Towers, It collapsed for reasons not yet determined but is already under investigation.

Flats are pictured nearby as emergency workers search the landslide site in the surf (Photo: Reuters/Joe Skipper)
Flats are pictured nearby as emergency workers search the landslide site in the surf (Photo: Reuters/Joe Skipper)

From various sources and documents, it is known that Since at least 2018, there has been information that the building has structural problems.

In April 2021 The head of the building community reported that the deterioration of reinforced concrete was already discovered by an engineering company three years ago I’ve been making great progress, local media reported Tuesday.

The mayor of Miami-Dade noted on Tuesday that The South Florida Attorney General’s Office is seeking a grand jury to investigate the tragedy and support the initiative.

This information, in addition to rare Results To search for victims, they feed يقومون frustration Of the relatives of the disappeared who have reached, as of this Tuesday, 149.

Emergency workers at the site of the collapse.  (Photo: Reuters/Joe Skipper)
Emergency workers at the site of the collapse. (Photo: Reuters/Joe Skipper)

According to the mayor, the list is not “final” and An attempt is being made to collect information with the consulates of various countries to make it more accurate.

He also indicated that the 12 confirmed victims have already been identified so far. Among the disappeared are people from countries such as Israel, Cuba, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. There are also foreigners among the deceased.

24 hour search

Miami-Dade fire captain, Alan KominskyHe stressed the difficulty and dangers of the search work and the great effort exerted by the rescuers, Among them are teams from other US states, Mexico and Israel.

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He said, The rubble mountain was reviewed “layer by layer” without interruption for six days.

There are tons of debris to be removed (Photo: Reuters/Joe Skipper)
There are tons of debris to be removed (Photo: Reuters/Joe Skipper)

In total it was removed with the help of heavy machinery Three million pounds (1.3 million kilograms) of debris.

In these six days he hindered the work of the rescuers A fire at the bottom of a pile of rubble which produced thick and potentially toxic smoke, as well as Is raining s storms.

According to Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett, Another concern for rescue workers is that rubble is falling from the still standing part of the damaged building.

“Overnight, some things fell from the building that still stands. That will have to be addressed معالجة. I understand from my discussions in the past days that (…) they will have to remove those pieces so that it is safe for the workers to go down there,” Burkett told the media before the press conference.

Rescue personnel work at the site of a partially collapsed Champlain South Towers apartment in Surfside, near Miami Beach, Florida, on June 28, 2021 (REUTERS)
Rescue personnel work at the site of a partially collapsed Champlain South Towers apartment in Surfside, near Miami Beach, Florida, on June 28, 2021 (REUTERS)

To control the fire, a Fantastic firewall In the middle of a mountain of ruins that also allowed rescue workers It reaches areas and corners they couldn’t reach before.

Only on the first day were people found alive under the rubbleBut chief rescuers and authorities repeat that survivors can still be found, as has happened in other tragedies.

With information from EFE

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