Letters from Readers IV: Humanistic Medicine

Modern medicine claims to be scientific medicine: highly objective and technical, demonstrated by the treatment and improvement of many diseases that were undoubtedly considered incurable. In daily practice, and at a global level, this fact also means the depersonalization of patient care, with the deterioration of the doctor-patient relationship, despite it being the cornerstone of good medicine. Magnificent and wonderful solutions are proposed and achieved, from a scientific point of view, and they are all the better if the humanity that must always be involved in medical work is not forgotten or left in the background. Those of us who trained as doctors in another era believe and affirm that to implement good practice, it is necessary to maintain that comprehensive, anthropological view of the subject as our teachers taught us, where the clinic was “sovereign,” but where the human aspect of our daily work coincided with scientific and technological progress. The progress that has been made in the subspecialty is there, and this, in addition to greatly benefiting the patient, has made medical work almost an artistic ritual at times. In short, I believe that the challenge for medicine today, in such a technical and materialistic world, is for colleges and universities to remain steadfast in being promoters of training professionals who embrace medicine in general, family medicine and the endless specialties offered to them. And enhance their charitable education. Thus our profession will always show a human face, without detracting from the undoubted valuable technology it carries, to do work with compassion and respect for others, integrating human sensitivity and knowledge in perfect and desired harmony for this purpose. the world today. During the pandemic, it was clearly demonstrated that the Argentine doctor had a tremendous career (many sacrificed their lives for their neighbors) and despite little input or meager salaries and fees, he put his calling and knowledge at the service of others. Contrary to what is believed, technology did not contribute to “cooling the doctor’s heart.” Rather, he was always by his patient’s side, taking care of him, accompanying him, and comforting his family, despite the great risks involved. Rene Favaloro said: “Medicine without humanity is not worth practicing.”

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Juan L. Marcotulio

[email protected]

Aileen Morales

"Beer nerd. Food fanatic. Alcohol scholar. Tv practitioner. Writer. Troublemaker. Falls down a lot."

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