Johnny Depp signals Hollywood to boycott after his troubles with Amber Heard | entertainment

The actor talked about the problems he is facing after his divorce scandal with the actress

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Johnny Depp’s life hasn’t been entirely peaceful in recent years, because after his complicated divorce with actress Amber Heard, and after he lost his lawsuit against The Sun after what he saw as defamation, he admitted he believed he was receiving a major Hollywood boycott.

The actor broke the silence and gave an interview after all the troubles he went through as a result of his separation from Heard, the complaints against him and the media describing him as a “wife beater” in 2016; Five years later, he says he is still experiencing the consequences, even during the premiere of his new movie.

All this affects the residents of Minamata and people who have had similar experiences. And all for the sake of Hollywood boycott.. towards me? All for one man, in a messy situation, for a fixed number of years? He recently told the Sunday Times about his new movie.

film Minamata It has already been released in countries such as the UK and Ireland, while not being promoted in the US, a position that comes a year after he was fired by Warner Bros. for leaving the role of Grindwelward in the film’s third installment. epic.

Johnny Depp added, “Look, it all happened and that’s it, but I have to say that at the end of the day, this particular area of ​​my life was full of silly things.”

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who was a star Pirates of the Caribbean He also talked about how fans helped him in this situation, as they did not stop supporting him in his career, while he denied that he was violent against Amber Heard and that is why he filed a lawsuit related to the millionaire with a new trial scheduled for him .2022.

“They are all the ones who give us work [los fans]. buy tickets, Commerce. They made all those studios rich, but they forgot about it a long time ago. I didn’t do it I’m proud of these people, for what they’re trying to say, which is the truth. They stayed on the journey with me and I will fight for them. Always, to the end,” he noted.

“I’m moving where I need to go. To highlight things,” said Depp, who lobbied a few weeks ago and won another court battle against his ex-wife by asking her to prove compliance with one of their legal agreements for their separation, and demanded that she do. Documents must be submitted to prove that you have donated money from your divorce to civic organizations.

Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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