It is one of the highest-grossing science fiction films in history but is hated by the United States military.

It may be nostalgia, but one of the best sci-fi films of the 90s is 'Independence Day', Will Smith classics with spaceships, aliens, time-honored special effects and lots of action. The best is that Today you can see it for free on TV.

The story is trite, and the film is unforgettable

For '90s movies, the classic theme is having a savvy movie hero with an excuse for the United States to save the world. It may be cliche, but when you mix these elements with… Classic alien invasion It adds to the charisma will Smith As the protagonist, the outcome is unforgettable.

The film has a good script and focuses not only on Will Smith, but also… It includes many important figures Including the legendary Jeff Goldblum. Heroic actions are doled out and we see how each character has a well-constructed role, and wow, even the least expected character saves the day.

And let's not forget the special effects, which despite being nearly 30 years old, They are still amazing: From the destruction of historical heritage to the battles against spaceships, everything is a visual treat.

Will Smith Jeff Goldblum

Despite its great success, the United States Army hated it

The film with Will Smith achieved more than 800 million dollars worldwide and became the highest-grossing film of 1996. Until They were about to have support from the United States Army, and they would have locations, fighter planes, uniforms, and more.

The only condition was to delete the reference to Area 51, A supposed top-secret base with access to information and evidence of alien life. on condition Roland EmmerichThe film director refused to withdraw the plot, and the army withdrew its support. The end result of the film was amazing and left the plot of Area 51 to posterity.

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“Independence Day” is undoubtedly an entertaining and well-made film and work of cinema Important in popular culture. And you don't have to dust off your old VHS to watch it, today you can do that for free on Channel 7 on TV Azteca at 6:00 p.m Mexico time. If you prefer to watch it live, you can enjoy it on star+ At no additional cost to subscribe.

Will Smith Independence DayWill Smith Independence Day

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Terry Alexander

"Award-winning music trailblazer. Gamer. Lifelong alcohol enthusiast. Thinker. Passionate analyst."

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