In Florida They Even Censored The Diary Of Anne Frank | A law in that North American state allows interference with textbooks

Illustrated version of Anne Frank’s diary It was removed from a school library in Indian River County, FloridaThis was after the parents claimed that some of the book’s paragraphs were inappropriate. Authorities have since complied with this measure in that state There is legislation allowing teachers to censor and interfere with books What do your children read at school?

Last week news broke that a Florida teacher had to resign for showing David to Michelangelo to her students. Now the dispute is over a graphic version of Anne Frank’s iconic text, which It has been removed from school libraries After a group of mothers and fathers expressed concern about what they described as “graphic scenes” of a sexual nature.

Whistleblower Jennifer Pippen, who chairs Mothers for Freedom in Indian River County, told WPTV News that in a scene from the book Anna asks her boyfriend to expose each other’s breasts In the other, that Anna walks next to naked, “sexually explicit” statues, according to what was reported by international media.

“We think it is absolutely necessary to teach real history, the Holocaust, the diaries of Anne Frank”
, referred to WPTV. In his view, however, the photocopied version violated state standards for teaching the Holocaust.

By law, Florida schools are required to teach on this subject. Kristin Maddox, a spokeswoman for the Indian River County School District, said that “nothing has changed” in this way.

On social networks, some users have criticized Pippin and mentioned it It was Otto, Anne Frank’s father, who decided to erase some parts of sexual development To protect her daughter’s privacy. Young Anna received the diary as a birthday present in 1942. She was 13 years old and her family (father, mother and sister) had hid with four other people in an attic in Amsterdam. They were discovered in August 1944 She was taken from the concentration camps. Only the father was saved, and Anna’s personal diary, written during her two years in hiding, survives as a testament to the Holocaust.

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Censorship in Florida

According to the BBC, behind this oversight is the enforcement of HB 1467, which was approved by the Florida Congress and signed into law by Republican Governor Ron DeSantis in March 2022. Through which rights are granted to parents to control the choice of books in the school environment.

For his part, Pippin indicated that there are 250 books that they consider “inappropriate” so they will seek to have them withdrawn or banned.

The crusade against books has already been subjected to numerous attacks against texts

In principle with a gender, diversity and racism-focused perspective. In connection with this alarming situation of censorship, last year the New York Public Library (NYPL) launched the National Campaign “Books for Everyone” So citizens can access challenged texts, especially in GOP-ruled states, such as Florida, that have affected access to works that address issues of gender, segregation, religion, and history. The Brooklyn Public Library (BPL) has also launched its own project, “Books UnBanned,” designed for Helping teens combat the negative impact of increased censorship and book bans on libraries across the country.said a spokesperson for the foundation.

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