ILO and Canada to provide $3 million for initiative for domestic workers in Peru | Peru

The International Labor Organization and the Canadian government will help fund the creation of a $3 million national welfare system, which seeks to ensure compliance with the rights of domestic workers in Peru, the agency reported.

The latest figures from Peru’s National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) show that of the 340,000 people employed in paid domestic work in the country, 92% work informally, 95% are women and 12% live in poverty.

“With the ratification of ILO Convention 189, the enactment of a new law (in Peru), a recently approved regulation and action plan in favor of domestic workers, conditions are ripe to set foot in the acceleration wheel and ensure, finally, a decent , Austalo Cardona, in the statement “Working Conditions for These Women Workers”.

The Peruvian government took the first steps to create the national care system in January 2022, with the goal of accelerating the design of policies that recognize the value of unpaid domestic work, reduce the disproportionate workload of women and redistribute care responsibilities more equitably between women and men, and between the family and the state.

The move towards a national welfare system is necessary to achieve an equal society between women and men. In addition, the pandemic has starkly emphasized to us the urgency of getting better care services.”

To achieve this goal, the ILO and the Canadian government launched a $3 million project to contribute to national efforts to improve social and economic conditions for domestic workers and support the creation of the national welfare system, a declaration made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, in the context of the Ninth Summit of the Americas, held this week Past in Los Angeles, USA.

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“Similarly, this project seeks to guarantee the rights of domestic workers, the vast majority of whom are the most vulnerable women, as they are essential in the care structure in Peru,” Koenig concluded.

According to figures from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), unpaid household chores can account for 20.4% of the country’s GDP if it is economically paid.

In addition, despite the fact that home care work is essential to the functioning of the country’s economy, it is usually invisible, undervalued and highly feminized, with women in the country working 22.74 hours more per week than men in unpaid domestic activities.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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