Hamas threatened the UK to take its soldiers as “legitimate targets” if they set foot in Gaza

It turned out that the British government was seeking to bring British soldiers to the region to help deliver humanitarian aid.

Construction of a pier in Gaza by the United States and Israel. Photo: EFE.

Palestinian Islamic Group agitation He warned that the British Army was deploying in… Gaza stripwill be considered “legitimate goals” From their militias. The statements of the armed group that controls the enclave came after learning of this United kingdom He could bring the army to the area To help distribute humanitarian aid, according to the English government, a country with a history of domination over those territories.

Construction of a pier in Gaza by the United States and Israel. Video: Efi.

“We alert Great Britain, or any other country, Against the deployment of forces on the ground or on the coast of the Gaza Strip, and we affirm that they will be legitimate targets for our people and their resistance.Hamas said in a statement. In this context, the armed group attacked any initiative in the Palestinian sector that did not obtain its permission.

In recent days, the BBC reported that the British Armed Forces could deploy forces to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza on the ground through A new floating dock built by Israel and the United States in the Palestinian Strip port.

The general channel indicated that It is possible that the United Kingdom is the mediator referred to by Washington When he said that it would not be American soldiers, but others, who would distribute the food parcels sent by ships from Cyprus and then transport them to the Strip.

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Debris in the Gaza Strip.  Photo: EFE.Debris in the Gaza Strip. Photo: EFE.

Furthermore, the IDF announced in a press conference with international media that organizations from all over the world would be responsible for distributing these materials. humanitarian aid, But he did not say who agreed to cooperate.

Although the British government did not confirm the news, the British Broadcasting Corporation confirmed, according to anonymous sources, that the Ministry of Defense was considering participating in the matter.Wet shoes On the terrain.

Debris in the Gaza Strip.  Photo: EFE.

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The potential role of British forces will include command Trucks with assistance The radio said that the landing craft was taken along the floating runway, which was hundreds of meters long, and delivered to a safe distribution area on the mainland.

Humanitarian aid on the coast of the Gaza Strip.  Photo: Reuters.Humanitarian aid on the coast of the Gaza Strip. Photo: Reuters.

The Ministry of Defense in London also stated that the auxiliary ship of British Navy RFA Cardigan Bay Sail from Cyprus To provide support for the construction of the US-led temporary pier. This ship is scheduled to house hundreds of American sailors and soldiers, to whom Washington has made clear that they will not set foot in Gaza.

Sacha Woodward

"Wannabe writer. Lifelong problem solver. Gamer. Incurable web guru. Professional music lover."

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